National Lottery Heritage project with Carnegie Dunfermline Trust, ONFife, Fife Coast & Countryside Trust, Fife Health & Social Care Partnership, Fife Council.
ID: 1092799743166767111
http://www.wellbeingwestfife.com 05-02-2019 14:58:56
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Find out all about the fascinating finds of the 📖Saline & District Heritage Society summer dig at Saline Old kirk Yard.

Dunfermline Memories, the 1st event of Outwith Festival started this morning at Dunfermline Carnegie Library & Galleries. It's a #free reminiscing session about life in #Dunfermline. Sound like something you'd enjoy? Get your ticket for the 2pm Sunday session. For more info & to book. eventbrite.co.uk/e/dunfermline-…

#DidYouKnow Pittencrieff Park's Glen Pavillion opened in 1934? It's on the concert circuit with local legends like the Skids playing there regularly. Take a look at our #Free #PittencrieffPark digital tour to find out more. 🎶 👉 dunfermline.tours/pittencrieff-p… (🖼️: Cara Shanley)

Looking forward to the first Climate & Wellbeing Cafe with Climate Action Fife at Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum on 27 October at 6.30pm. Everybody welcome.

Tonight at 6.30pm is our first Climate & Wellbeing Cafe at Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum with Climate Action Fife! Hope to see you there! climateactionfife.org.uk/events/climate…

Why not take an evening stroll in #Dunfermline to see the festive lights on the High Street, the magical projections at the Louise gates and now Santa in the Maygate specially created by 21CC Group Ltd. Thanks to Fife Council strategic events & Dunfermline area committee. #XMAS2022

First Climate and Wellbeing Cafe of 2023! This Thursday, 6.30pm at Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum. Come along for delicious soup, yummy cake, and good chat about climate and wellbeing issues. Lets learn, inspire, and connect with each other.

Tonight! Soup, cake, coffee and an opportunity to connect with others over climate change and wellbeing issues. 6.30pm at Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum with Climate Action Fife

#Connect & #KeepLearning about ancient #Scottishhistory at 📖Saline & District Heritage Society's February talk.

Want to #Connect & #Learn about local heritage this weekend? Here's a great #free event run by 📖Saline & District Heritage Society on Saturday & Sunday, 10-4pm. #WestFife #WellbeingThroughHeritage

What small changes can we make in our lives to make a difference to climate change & our own wellbeing? Join us at the Climate & Wellbeing Cafe, Thur 25 May, 6.30 at Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum to discuss with Climate Action Fife & enjoy delicious soup & cake! #BigFiveForFife #5waystowellbeing