ID: 1357741285
calendar_today16-04-2013 19:45:21
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5 hours ago
🔥The 9th Round of Easy Loan, Earn $40 Reward is in progress❗️ ⏰ Promotion Period: January 15th - Feburary 15th, 2025 👉 Register now and check more details at gate.io/campaigns/358
5 years ago
vanity denies defeat
4 years ago
vanity defeats courage
Intelligence is most sublime when serving the curious ; most brutish when serving the certain.
For the wages of sin is death
What if all contemporary states are in the process of being replaced by a new kind of “state,” as different from existing governments as they themselves differed from ancient empires or primitive tribes?
When I have forgotten my own grave
Stupefaction is a real threat beware?
When do you stop being the only one here?
It's okay to be scared
How many people does it take to change a Alarm?
8 years ago
@MsRebeccaV Robert J Davies FreeStuffGood @OwenJones84 Katie Hopkins i'm in charge of fear now