ID: 1511373377361096709
05-04-2022 16:01:13
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Amidst the chaos of EthCC - Ethereum Community Conference, the Regen Village became a haven of deep discussion and experimentation for builders, funders & creators. ✅ 600+ attendees ✅ 7823 $RegenBxl issued ✅ 1 epic party Thank you to everyone who participated & created lasting local impact! A recap 🧵👇
I'm super proud of what the BREADCHAIN COOPERATIVE team has been able to accomplish so far. We have a working MVP distributing funds (~$12k) to post-capitalist projects and have run 3 voting cycles without a hitch. I'd like to share our roadmap, divided into technical and community tracks
Full demo of the NFC wallet with the POS, live monitor and POAP - Bookmarks for your life dispenser during Crypto Wednesday at the Commons Hub Brussels (organized by DAO Brussels)
quote adapted from our last chapter on protocol designs 👇… Ecofrontiers