Gemma Ransome RD (@gldowning) 's Twitter Profile
Gemma Ransome RD


Specialist Paediatric Dietitian at The Harley Street Clinic | Communication Officer for the BDA Paediatric Group

ID: 444446952

calendar_today23-12-2011 08:10:14

26 Tweet


33 Following

Gemma Ransome RD (@gldowning) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A2 Vegetarian mum's should ensure their child's nutritional requirements are met. Vegi diets can be high in fibre but low in energy #RDUK

Nicole Rothband (@nicoledietitian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A5 #rduk #weaning eat with baby, let baby make lots of mess, let baby self feed when able, have fun, avoid distractions, devote time to food