Gayani Senevirathne
📚 Postdoc @TDCapellini Lab @Harvard| Helen Hay Whitney Fellow. PhD from Shubin Lab @Uchicago 2021. Evolutionary developmental biology, anatomy, genomics.
ID: 4521787815
18-12-2015 06:22:38
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Excited to share our newest paper, in which we report our discovery that monogamous oldfield mice have very recently evolved a novel cell type in their adrenal glands that promotes parental care 🧵 Work led by the fabulous Natalie Niepoth and Jenny Merritt rdcu.be/dH1Kn

A paper published in NatureEcoEvo presents the entire genome sequence of the Lesser bilby, which became extinct in the 1960s, and the Greater bilby that now exists in only 20% of its former habitat range. go.nature.com/4eKA5aa

Only Neil Shubin can be this cool. 😅

Fish shoulder girdle is weird and fascinating evo-devo model. Multiple cell populations come together and make one composite bone. Check our latest with Shunya K, Christian Mosimann Rob Lalonde #evodevo #teamfish #heterogeneity nature.com/articles/s4146…

Fabulous work on a frog novelty by Gayani Senevirathne royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rs…

Molecular basis of urostyle development in frogs🐸: genes and gene regulation underlying an evolutionary novelty - new in #OpenBiology Gayani Senevirathne Neil Shubin ow.ly/A3qT50T9Rzx

Applications are open for the Graduate Program at Functional Anatomy and Evolution, Johns Hopkins at Johns Hopkins Medicine. If you are interested in combining the fossil record with developmental biology to answer questions regarding evolutionary novelty, don't hesitate to email me! fae.johnshopkins.edu/people/faculty/

Are you a recent PhD interested in macroalgal carbon cycling, kelp forest conservation & restoration, or algal microbiomes? 🌊 My new lab Hopkins Marine Station Stanford University Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability will support prospective Stanford Science Fellows! Applications due Oct. 18: stanfordsciencefellows.stanford.edu/apply

I'm so excited to announce that the Song lab will be opening in July 2025 Harvard Department of Human Evolutionary Biology! We will investigate the genetic basis of how the human brain evolved. 🧬🧠 janetsonglab.com 1/4

Have you ever met a kid who doesn’t have a zillion questions about axolotls? I know I haven’t. That’s why I wrote this book! With super cute and accurate illustrations by Bethany ♡ MacKids Books Neon Squid us.macmillan.com/books/97816844…

Absolutely in love with this lyrically thoughtful piece from Kim Cooper. I, for one, will happily say yes to her invitation to “join me in reading more books.” How else to embrace the marvelous complexity of life around us? Well done, Kim! journals.biologists.com/dev/article/15…