Patricia Girio
PhD student in chemistry at University of Birmingham
ID: 1369687191845285888
10-03-2021 16:31:00
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Just out in #JACSAu ACS Publications Ruthenium signal in quantification of nanoparticle uptake in cells. Great collaboration with Hodges UoB Biosciences 1st paper for Luke Chem Birmingham and Patricia Sci-Phy pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.102…

Great start to our EUniWell meeting with Mark Searcey's UEA wonderful work on binding Holliday junctions Mike Hannon Chem Birmingham Sylvestre Bonnet PikramenouGroup

At this moment detection in everything!! Come and join us in PikramenouGroup at Chem Birmingham and develop fluorescent lanthanide based probes for sensing! 🧪You'll fall in love with their glow!💡(No lanthanide emoji 😅) (only 🇬🇧, sorry 🇪🇺/🌎) findaphd.com/phds/project/p…

Glad to see PikramenouGroup work at the #ISRUKCancerSymposium SRUK/CERU UoBChemistry . Thanks Patricia Girio !

Celebrate #IWD2023 with amazing researchers #nanoscience #metals #photochemistry PikramenouGroup past and current UoBChemistry Maria Odyniec Grace B Patricia Girio Royal Society of Chemistry

PhD thesis submitted! ✨ Thank you to everyone who contributed. Looking forward to what’s to come 😀PikramenouGroup Mike Hannon Sci-Phy

08.03.2024 International Woman’s day and the day I passed my PhD viva! 🎉 Thank you so much to my colleagues, friends and supervisors PikramenouGroup and Mike Hannon Thanks to Dr.Nik Hodges and prof. Antonios G. Kanaras for being part of this day 😊