Gina ๐ Psychology PhD Researcher
Part-time Psychology Lecturer & Student Rep @StaffsUni | First Class BSc Psych & Child Dev @StaffsUni | PGCE Distinction MMU
ID: 1030721261670940672 18-08-2018 07:41:13
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Still looking for #participants for my #PhD #research where I'm looking for #year6 #teachers experiences of teaching #OnlineSafety in English #primaryschoolsโฆ Staffs Uni Psychology BPS West Midlands BPS East Midlands #edutwitter #education
Today we had our first themed group meet up! We discussed an episode of thephdliferaft As part of this discussion, we summarised a few tips to do with procrastination! BPS West Midlands BPS East Midlands #phdlife #procrastination #research #psychology
Thinking of joining us here at Staffs Uni Psychology? Come along to our Clearing Open Day tomorrow and have a go at some psychology activities in the Psychology Fun Room - and you could even leave with an offer on the day! ๐ง #StaffsOpenDay
Find my article about #onlinesafety in the latest BPS West Midlands Newsletter! #primaryeducation #computing #curriculum #phdresearcher Staffs Uni Psychologyโฆ
Are you a post graduate researcher presenting at the BPS West Midlands BPS East Midlands Celebration of Psychology in the Midlands conference? Our next virtual meet up (29.08.24, 10am-12pm) will focus on conference support & tips! Fill in the form below to join us!
Thank you to Gina ๐ Psychology PhD Researcher for sharing her reflections on our recent #DigitalGoodNetworkSummerSchool2024 at The University of Sheffield Read her blog at:โฆ #digitalgood #earlycareerresearchers #interdisciplinary #psychology #sociology #datascience
The ESRC Digital Good Network Summer School is certainly a top highlight for 2024! I feel so lucky to have had this experience and to have met so many interesting people there. If you'd like to read more about it, read my blog post below! #phdlife Staffs Uni Psychologyโฆ
Calling KS2 teachers! Are you a #KS2 #teacher in England? Could you share your experiences of teaching #computing? For more information use the link or scan the QR code below.โฆ #phdresearch #psychology #education #OnlineSafety BPS West Midlands Staffs Uni Psychology
Do you work in an organisation that provides online safety interventions for children? Could you share your experiences in a short interview? For more information use the link below or scan the QR code.โฆ #phdresearch #onlinesafety Staffs Uni Psychology BPS West Midlands
Should mobile phones be banned in schools? Staffordshire Uni Staffs Uni Psychology Assoc Prof of Child Psychology and Education Sarah Rose discusses the issue in this special report as France tests banning mobile phones in middle schools | DW News (
Ready for another BPS conference day, Celebrating Psychology in the Midlands! BPS West Midlands BPS East Midlands #BPSMIDS24
Come and see me today in the exhibition at the #BPSMIDS24 conference! BPS West Midlands BPS East Midlands
A pracademic! Haven't heard that phrase before but it's a fascinating concept that makes perfect sense! #BPSMIDS24 Dr Rachael Wheatley Georgia Harris
Really enjoyed presenting my systematic review at @BPSMIDS24 thank you Hannah Robinson for the photos! BPS West Midlands
It's been great to get to meet some of my fellow Midlands PGRs today! #BPSMIDS24 Sarah Mason Athina Tripli GMBPsS | MSc | MSc | BSc (Honours) BPS Midlands Post Graduate Researcher Group