Suzanne Gill Vitaletti (@gillvitaletti) 's Twitter Profile
Suzanne Gill Vitaletti


Proud Assistant Principal of Harborside Middle School

ID: 1242756816636960769

calendar_today25-03-2020 10:15:06

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Suzanne Gill Vitaletti (@gillvitaletti) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you to Mr. Hunkele and Officer Banks for coordinating a therapy dog presentation with Officer Jimmy Cox and his K-9 partner, Winston!

Thank you to Mr. Hunkele and Officer Banks for coordinating a therapy dog presentation with Officer Jimmy Cox and his K-9 partner, Winston!
Mr. Berkowitz (@mrblionpride) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Future members of the Foran Family- Class of 2027- had an outstanding visit today! Looking forward to 4 amazing years with you! #LionPride Dr. Perry Carlson Suzanne Gill Vitaletti #LionPride #GoLions 🦁

Future members of the Foran Family- Class of 2027- had an outstanding visit today!  Looking forward to 4 amazing years with you! #LionPride <a href="/MrsCEastShore/">Dr. Perry Carlson</a> <a href="/GillVitaletti/">Suzanne Gill Vitaletti</a> #LionPride #GoLions 🦁
Lauren O’Keefe (@mrsokeefeforan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Last week of the sock drive! If you’re out shopping this weekend, please consider a donation of any size or type of socks! These will go to Beth-El shelter! Every Milford Public School has a bin! Mr. Berkowitz Principal Jamie Whitaker Dr. Perry Carlson Suzanne Gill Vitaletti Dr. Anna Cutaia Dr. Amy Fedigan

Last week of the sock drive! If you’re out shopping this weekend, please consider a donation of any size or type of socks! These will go to Beth-El shelter! Every Milford Public School has a bin! <a href="/MrBLionPride/">Mr. Berkowitz</a> <a href="/MrsWhitCPM/">Principal Jamie Whitaker</a> <a href="/MrsCEastShore/">Dr. Perry Carlson</a> <a href="/GillVitaletti/">Suzanne Gill Vitaletti</a> <a href="/MilfordSuper/">Dr. Anna Cutaia</a> <a href="/mpsdrfedigan/">Dr. Amy Fedigan</a>
Amy Rizzo (@jfkprincipalriz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What a GREAT race it was! Our Milford community came out strong to support our enrichment students. Congratulations, WSMS on the win!Thank you Mr. Stack and the awesome group of teachers who captained the boats. #mpsproud

What a GREAT race it was! Our Milford community came out strong to support our enrichment students. Congratulations, WSMS on the win!Thank you Mr. Stack and the awesome group of teachers who captained the boats. #mpsproud
Suzanne Gill Vitaletti (@gillvitaletti) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The building is filled with refreshed staff members eager to greet our students tomorrow morning! We began the day with an awe inspiring convocation that included unexpected emotion from our teacher of the year. Thank you to our generous PTO for the amazing lunch spread today!

Suzanne Gill Vitaletti (@gillvitaletti) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Way to go, Harborside! 686 boxes of cereal were donated for our Purple Pantry cereal box domino event! We can’t wait for next Thursday! Design phase to begin! HarborsideMiddleSchool Harborside PTO #PurplePantry

Way to go, Harborside!  686 boxes of cereal were donated for our Purple Pantry cereal box domino event! We can’t wait for next Thursday!  Design phase to begin! <a href="/HarborsideMS/">HarborsideMiddleSchool</a> <a href="/HarborsidePTO/">Harborside PTO</a> #PurplePantry
Suzanne Gill Vitaletti (@gillvitaletti) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Milford middle school students build domino run out of hundreds of cereal boxes; 'It was fantastic'… via @milfordmirror