Gender Nutrition Gap
Let's close the #gendernutritiongap now.
ID: 1671192212334432258 20-06-2023 16:25:04
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The U.S. is a global leader 🥇 in fighting maternal and child #malnutrition. As we look to #N4GParis, we call on the US government to #InvestInNutrition with a strong + early pledge of at least $13.3 billion. #GenderNutritionGap 📢The White House President Biden Vice President Kamala Harris Samantha Power USAID
Every year, #malnutrition kills more women than tobacco, alcohol & air pollution. Now's the time for the U.S. to #InvestInNutrition. Can we count on you USAID The White House Samantha Power to continue America's incredible leadership on #nutrition with an early #N4GParis pledge?
“Nutrition is the ‘super-investment’ that keeps on giving for people, society, and the planet," state Brieuc Pont and Lawrence Haddad. Here's why #nutrition is an unstoppable investment and should be top of mind for Nutrition For Growth this March:… #N4G2025
Despite half of the world's infants not reaching the exclusive 6-month breastfeeding recommendation by World Health Organization (WHO), progress to close the #GenderNutritionGap IS achievable with solution-based strategies. Discover our Action Agenda's suggestions:…
Discover the interconnectedness of health, economy, and environment with the Mothers’ Milk Tool and the Green Feeding Tool. They provide key insights into the environmental and economic difference that #breastfeeding makes. 💚 Emergency Nutrition Network breaks it down ➡️…