Gender and Science AIL group
Pursuing diversity, inclusivity and equity for women scientists from @AIL_limnologia
ID: 1082976161913847808énerociencia 09-01-2019 12:23:32
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Visit the Goldman Prize website to know more about her award and achievements (in Eng and Spa)… The Goldman Environmental Prize "Teresa Vicente led a historic, grassroots campaign to save the Mar Menor ecosystem—Europe’s largest saltwater lagoon—from collapse (...)"
📢Comencem el projecte #Desperta #artinatura: #Dones i #Aigua" a StJoanAbadesses El dia 25 de maig inaugurem amb Gender and Science AIL group i altres professionals,l'exposició «#Ecofeminismes augmentats: clima, aigua, dones» que fusiona ciència i art en realitat augmentada. #canviclimatic #art
#coastal areas of the #Earth are experiencing #salinization due, among others to #sealevelrise. This reduces crop yields and threatens food security. The excess salt effects #biodiversity and #women livelihoods. #MUAC AIL Limnología FECYT Ministerio de Igualdad
The massive growth of algae in #aquatic #ecosystems by excessive nutrient inputs, such as #nitrogen and #phosphorus, occurs mainly from the use of #fertilizers in agriculture and other human activities. #MUAC AIL Limnología FECYT Ministerio de Igualdad
#pesticides and other #toxic substances not only affect #aquatic organisms, also pose a considerable risk to organisms that consume them, such as birds, mammals, or even humans. #MUAC AIL Limnología FECYT Ministerio de Igualdad
Future scenarios predict that #biodiversityloss will continue to worsen by the #climatecrisis. The voice of #women is essential to take bold measures to halt it. #MUAC AIL Limnología FECYT Ministerio de Igualdad
The #environmental and #cultural impacts of #hydroelectric power plants are extensive. #Women are particularly affected by the impacts of these #infrastructures in the communities and #fight to #preserve their #territory. #MUAC AIL Limnología FECYT Ministerio de Igualdad
El nuevo informe de Mujer y Ciencia del CSIC acaba de salir. La gráfica en tijera (o en pinza)mejora un poco respecto al año pasado, pero los contratos RyC siguen siendo un verdadero cuello de botella para las mujeres investigadoras. Agencia Estatal de Investigación…
We discuss some of the barriers to the diversification of #biogeosciences using data from AGU (American Geophysical Union) (re: membership, annual meeting, & #publishing process). #DEI #HostileObstacleCourse #geosciences Michelle Wolford Dr. Emily L. Cardarelli🚀 + Maya Almaraz…