Preston Ge
he/him/his || MD/PhD candidate @HarvardMITmdphd || Heiman lab @mitbrainandcog || previously @JohnsHopkins
ID: 1046982161390362624 02-10-2018 04:36:14
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Very cool work from my friend and classmate Rahul Gupta!
The future is visiting again. MITOchats are back this Thursday The MITOscience of tomorrow, today. See you there! Robert Hill MargheritaZamberlan Nils Grotehans The Langer Lab
We are excited to share Genotype-Neighborhood Associations, GeNA, a new tool adapting our CNA framework to detect cell states associated in abundance with genetic variants at genome-wide scale in high-dimensional single-cell data w/ Soumya Raychaudhuri সৌম্য রায়চৌধুরী… 🧵
Exciting work from an amazing scientist! Congrats to Carla Carol Winter and everyone who contributed!
I've read nothing like this before—a painfully honest piece about the cruelty and patriarchy of academia, viewed through the lens of a grieving wife. Lang Chen remembers the last days of husband Xiaohong Xu, a brilliant, beloved sociologist from China who passed away at age 45.
Delighted to introduce PMF-seq: a new way to link genetic perturbations to detailed bioenergetic phenotypes. We use the method to dissect genetics of mitochondrial ETC branching and acute tBID action. Led by T.L.To Broad Institute.…
Excited to see this new paper in Science Magazine co-led by Linlin Fan: It shows, in live animals, a key mechanism of how circuits form to enable spatial memory.…
Come work with us!!! Siniša Hrvatin Lab at Whitehead Institute is a phenomenal place to train as a scientist 🐹 🐁 🧊