George Bhoka (@gdbhoka) 's Twitter Profile
George Bhoka


Public Health Specialist

ID: 839276336

calendar_today22-09-2012 07:18:13

40 Tweet


667 Following

George Bhoka (@gdbhoka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I pay to acquire knowledge and skills .Others want to be paid to acquire knowledge and skills .allowences ,per diem ,stipend irony !

George Bhoka (@gdbhoka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A moment for stock taking as we count down to the end of 013 and start of yet another new year .What were your goals and results achieved ?

George Bhoka (@gdbhoka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Every famly shld be encouraged to save and invest in its own health and health care instead of demanding govts do to so alone.

George Bhoka (@gdbhoka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Had a brief to the DG on the status of our program portfolio in South Sudan .A pledge from our HQ for enhanced support for RSS.Tx

George Bhoka (@gdbhoka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The world needs more peace, justice ,reconciliation ,early recovery of nations in war ;rehabilation of wounds of conflict & devtp.

George Bhoka (@gdbhoka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I,ve been just been brief by a surgical team that we facilited to provide specialist t surgical services in Kajokeji hosp-south Sudan.Bravo.

George Bhoka (@gdbhoka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The surgical teams in Wau ,Rumbek and Kwajok are still going on with service delivery ;courtesy of Amref Health Africa ,Total ,GIZ & others

George Bhoka (@gdbhoka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I had a monthly status update meeting with my DG & head of programmes management to review progress our program performace.So far so good .

George Bhoka (@gdbhoka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

At long last ,we have a functional national advisory council for amref health africa in RSS .I wish them success in their work .cheers.

George Bhoka (@gdbhoka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Had a field trip to Maridi,Ibba and Yambio to support ,supervise and monitor our projects in Western Equatoria state -RSS.

George Bhoka (@gdbhoka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Opening a new chapter wıth a new dream ın my personal and professional life. Wıth hardwork n determınatıon anythıng ıs possibile.

George Bhoka (@gdbhoka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Attraction & retention of human resources for health is a key determinant in improving access to healthcare.Think,decide,plan & act now.

George Bhoka (@gdbhoka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Trigerring CLTS in Arinyapi sub county among host & refugees communities in Adjumani District -Northern Uganda .For an ODF community .

Trigerring CLTS in Arinyapi sub county among host & refugees communities in Adjumani District -Northern Uganda .For an ODF community .
George Bhoka (@gdbhoka) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A regional NTDs program review & planning meeting in progress in Gulu-Northen Uganda with support from (MOH/USAID/RTI Envision program)

A regional NTDs program review & planning meeting in progress in Gulu-Northen Uganda with support from (MOH/USAID/RTI Envision program)