Public Health Specialist
ID: 839276336
calendar_today22-09-2012 07:18:13
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5 hours ago
🔥The 9th Round of Easy Loan, Earn $40 Reward is in progress❗️ ⏰ Promotion Period: January 15th - Feburary 15th, 2025 👉 Register now and check more details at gate.io/campaigns/358
11 years ago
I pay to acquire knowledge and skills .Others want to be paid to acquire knowledge and skills .allowences ,per diem ,stipend etc..an irony !
Is the inner you equals to the outer you? .................integrity ! Can someone count on you ??
Happy 51st Independence Anniversary celebrations to all Ugandans.GBU all .
A moment for stock taking as we count down to the end of 013 and start of yet another new year .What were your goals and results achieved ?
Every famly shld be encouraged to save and invest in its own health and health care instead of demanding govts do to so alone.
There is no free health care ;somehow somewhere somebody must pay for is .It must include u and i .
Had a brief to the DG on the status of our program portfolio in South Sudan .A pledge from our HQ for enhanced support for RSS.Tx
The world needs more peace, justice ,reconciliation ,early recovery of nations in war ;rehabilation of wounds of conflict & devtp.
Today's killing of an aid worker in #Maban #UpperNile #SouthSudan is an outrage. See my statement: tinyurl.com/omtjtd2
I,ve been just been brief by a surgical team that we facilited to provide specialist t surgical services in Kajokeji hosp-south Sudan.Bravo.
The surgical teams in Wau ,Rumbek and Kwajok are still going on with service delivery ;courtesy of Amref Health Africa ,Total ,GIZ & others
10 years ago
I had a monthly status update meeting with my DG & head of programmes management to review progress our program performace.So far so good .
At long last ,we have a functional national advisory council for amref health africa in RSS .I wish them success in their work .cheers.
Had a field trip to Maridi,Ibba and Yambio to support ,supervise and monitor our projects in Western Equatoria state -RSS.
Opening a new chapter wıth a new dream ın my personal and professional life. Wıth hardwork n determınatıon anythıng ıs possibile.
8 years ago
Attraction & retention of human resources for health is a key determinant in improving access to healthcare.Think,decide,plan & act now.
Trigerring CLTS in Arinyapi sub county among host & refugees communities in Adjumani District -Northern Uganda .For an ODF community .
A regional NTDs program review & planning meeting in progress in Gulu-Northen Uganda with support from (MOH/USAID/RTI Envision program)
Laropi ferry crossing @ River Nile in West Nile in Uganda