GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub
International research hub addressing the Nitrogen Challenge for sustainable development in South Asia.
Part of @GCRF supported by @UKRI_News
ID: 1086191672277504000
18-01-2019 09:20:49
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Ajinkya Deshpande presented a new methodology and findings on NH3 deposition parameterization to forest ecosystems using a wind-controlled NH3-fumigation experiments in the UK and Sri-Lanka GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Towards INMS International Nitrogen Initiative (INI) Mark Sutton

Dr P Rameshwaran showed model results for #Nitrogen and #Phosphorus in freshwaters across South Asia at #N2024 GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology International Nitrogen Initiative (INI) Towards INMS

Emerging messages from #InternationalNitrogenAssessment research are discussed at a special session at #N2024. INMS: EE Demo GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub Towards INMS INI_Europe International Nitrogen Initiative (INI) UN Environment Programme

A pleasure for GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub & Towards INMS to enable Early Career Researchers #ECRs to attend #UNEA6. It's a great opportunity to prepare the next generation of scientists to make it happen in science-policy engagement. #EverywhereAndInvisible #HalveNitrogenWaste

Live streamed event - joint #Nitrogen event today at #UNEA6 26th February (18:30 EAT - GMT+3). Please click the link below to join the webinar: ukri.zoom.us/j/98748692986 📡 Webinar ID: 987 4869 2986 Towards INMS Compassion in World Farming NutrientChallenge

Packed and engaging side event on Making Nitrogen Visible through #SDGs on first day of #UNEA6! COBSEA Nutrient Reduction Strategy also being developed... UN Environment Programme Food and Agriculture Organization COBSEA Secretariat UNEP Cartagena Convention & Caribbean Enviro Prog. UN Biodiversity Mark Sutton #BeatNitrogenPollution NutrientChallenge Leticia Carvalho

Alhamdolillah, a wonderful event "Making N visible thrw SDGs" hosted by Min Climate Change, Govt of Pakistan. Thanks to Ministers from Govt of Japan, and Maldives, Mark Sutton #UNEA6 Ministry of Climate Change & EC Govt of Pakistan UN Environment Programme Towards INMS Compassion in World Farming University of Agriculture Faisalabad

🛑 It is clear that Nitrogen is accumulating in the environment faster than our capacity to break it down! Here's an op-ed I participated in on sustainable nitrogen management practices on The Scotsman. Thanks 🙏 to Philip Lymbery and Compassion in World Farming International #UNEA6 scotsman.com/news/opinion/c…

Roundup on #UNEA6, #nitrogen & the challenge of geopolitics. GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub & Towards INMS science informing global action in 1 minute UN Environment Programme Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Global Environment Facility (GEF) @unece

Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) #SouthAsian Nitrogen Hub pleased to contribute to the South Asia Cooperative Environment Program (SACEP) Governing Council in Thimphu, Bhutan. Politics meant that governments didn't agree draft 'South Asia Roadmap for Sustainable Nitrogen Management', now knocked back 2 years. Here 90 sec from my statement:

From science to practice: circularity at the crossroad of market and agriculture. 3-way interview: @OdyMorgan Diego Giuliani and myself for UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology youris.com/bioeconomy/agr…