GCISD Fine Arts
The Official GCISD Fine Arts Twitter account
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http://www.gcisd.net/departments/fine_arts 24-06-2021 19:20:59
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At Heritage Elementary, our specials teachers are busy getting the kids active and involved even while they go through procedures.

Great work today Colleyville Middle School Theatre Dept. kiddos! I was so impressed by everyone's performance during callbacks today. I get so inspired by these Colleyville Middle School students! Their courage speaks volumes. Break legs at our final callback tomorrow! 🤘🏽🎭🐴 #TeamCMS #CMSTheatre #GCISDTheatre

Great things going on in our Cannon Cubs specials! They kids have such a great time moving, singing and learning!!

It was so great to hear the 1st rehearsal of the Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Elem. Honor Choir! The kids already sound great and we had amazing parent support at the 1st meeting! We are really proud of these kids and their teachers! Ashley Benson

Our Specials teachers at Bear Creek are doing an amazing job getting the kids ready for their 1st public shows!

Music enriches the lives of those who do it and those who listen. We are so proud of the teachers who give this gift to students and of the students who share it with others. Grapevine-Colleyville ISD

Amazing learning going on at the CALA Art Studio at Timberline Elementary School! These students are learning history, culture, and art and are really engaging in their learning!

Amazing job by Roslyn Ackermann, senior in the Grapevine HS Choir, singing our National Anthem tonight! You were amazing! Thank you for sharing your talents with us! Grapevine-Colleyville ISD

Our Fabulous Fillies looked wonderful tonight! Congratulations Grapevine Fillies on a wonderful 1st home show!

Amazing job Mustang Band! Your first home show already looks and sounds great! Can’t wait to see how much better it will get. Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Grapevine High School

Great job BHS Dance and Band! You already look and sound great! Thanks for sharing your talents with Grapevine-Colleyville ISD. BISD Fine Arts Birdville High

Thank you Grapevine HS Choir senior, Shivani Veerappan, for singing our National Anthem at tonight’s game. You were wonderful and made the night even better with your performance!! Grapevine-Colleyville ISD

The Grapevine Fillies are looking great as they and the band prepare for their Thursday night games this week. Grapevine-Colleyville ISD

Congratulations HMS Band for this wonderful honor! This is the result of great kids, great teachers, and great parents all working hard together! Grapevine-Colleyville ISD