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Created by @SASSoftware, GatherIQ helps #students learn about the #GlobalGoals and inspires them to do good.
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https://gatheriq.analytics/ 06-09-2017 13:55:35
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Get Clued-iN about how #DataforGood is making a difference. Our friend I-Sah Hsieh shares a bit about his work in this interview with Inclusive Business Action Network (iBAN). 2.sas.com/6018z40Ea

What’s one way to take action on climate change? Get to know your carbon footprint. 2.sas.com/6015zhN6L via The Nature Conservancy

We are excited to meet some of the awesome World View Education Fellows later today to talk about bringing #sdgs and #data into the classroom with #SASGatherIQ. 👋 🌎 #GlobalEducation #teachSDGs

We are all about using the power of #data for good. Check out the newest lessons from World's Largest Lesson that support #SDG4 2.sas.com/6015MDs0J

What can you do to fill an empty plate? Learn about the facts on #hunger in this interactive story from Food and Agriculture Organization 2.sas.com/6010MHfc2 #sdgs #zerohunger

#DYK, 91% of the world’s population live where #airpollution levels exceed World Health Organization (WHO) limits. See how the air in your city impacts you? 2.sas.com/6010MMdU2 #BreatheLife #InternationalDayofCleanAir

Have you heard about Piedmont Prairies? They’re buzzing with beautiful color and wildlife. 🌼 🌾 Learn more about why this habitat is important for #LifeOnLand. 🐝 🐦 2.sas.com/6013MPqTP Southeastern Grasslands Initiative