Gregor Anderluh
ID: 3317825530
10-06-2015 19:07:58
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Happy to share our recent work accepted for publication in the Biochemical Journal. Biochemical Journal Dept. of Biological Sciences (DBS), IISER Mohali IISER Mohali with Kusum Lata and Gregor Anderluh portlandpress.com/biochemj/artic…

Nov teden, nov projekt Evropskega raziskovalnega sveta European Research Council (ERC) Kemijski inštitut. Roman Jerala Roman Jerala je pridobil že drugi projekt za uveljavljene raziskovalce. Čestitke!

Vas zanima strukturna biologija, pa se nimate znanja? Vabimo vas na delavnico “Osnove metodoloskih pristopov v strukturni biologiji”, vec info v priponki. Kemijski inštitut #Instruct.SI

Podjetje MyCol prvi prejemnik investicije sklada tveganega kapitala Vesna znanost.sta.si/3343459 Kemijski inštitut

Starting with the 2nd EUVEN COST Action scientific meeting and management meeting COST at fantastic setting of Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn in Naples Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn.

The vice-chair of our Action Gregor Anderluh opens the afternoon session by presenting the first keynote speaker, Professor Cesare Montecucco, a pioneering figure in neurotoxin research in Italy and beyond 🤩 We’re all hears 🤩

Is Gregor Anderluh turn, our Action co-chair 🙌 with a presentation on pore-forming toxins for advanced sensing technologies

📣 Two new ERC Scientific Council members have been appointed - Professor Tomaž Prosen of the 🇸🇮 FMF UL and Professor Maarit Karppinen of 🇫🇮 Aalto University - and will start work in 2025. More info 👉 europa.eu/!PYbGFf 🇪🇺 #FrontierResearch Evropska komisija EU-komissio Suomessa

Proud to have hosted Crowdhelix for a successful 2-day #AI in Research & Innovation conference at the National Institute of Chemistry! Huge thanks to the experts, speakers, and attendees for valuable insights. Together, we're advancing science with AI! #AIResearch #Innovation

#lifesciences in #Slovenia - an interview with with Gregor Anderluh Gregor Anderluh, Director of the National Institute of Chemistry Kemijski inštitut, Ljubljana, and EMBO Member embo.org/people/an-inte…

Nova “instalacija” v avli Kemijski inštitut- ko se ne da vec prilagajati prostorov novi raziskovalni opremi…