Gerardo García Rivas
Investigador en bioquímica y fisiología cardiovascular (SNI 3) Formador de médicos científicos, director de investigación traslacional de @TecSaludMX
ID: 1468310394750259200
07-12-2021 20:04:31
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Read the full paper in OA here: drc.bmj.com/content/12/4/e… Thank you Institute for Obesity Research Gerardo García Rivas for the support!

Very pleased to participate at 32nd International Materials Research Congress 2024. Institute for Obesity Research , Unidad de Bioingeniería y Dispositivos Médicos Tecnológico de Monterrey Gerardo García Rivas

Latest publication from the lab. Thanks Heart Foundation for supporting this research. SVIResearch Jarmon Lees doi.org/10.1016/j.jmcc…

Don't miss it! Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu FMB UNESP Elmer Sterken TecSalud - Sistema de Salud del Tec de Monterrey Tecnológico de Monterrey SMCF Slimp RoySocMed International Science Council Australian Academy of Science National Academy of Sciences ABCiências UNESCO 🏛️ #Education #Sciences #Culture 🇺🇳 International Science Council ISC RFP - LAC Marcus • Paes 🦋 DOHaD Brasil Kerafast ACRD Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes Institut Pasteur Montevideo British Microcirc. & Vascular Biology Society

I am happy to be invited to deliver a seminar at the Annual Meeting SMCF🇲🇽 3rd September in Tlaxcala. Together with my colleagues from SMCF will share a session with Gerardo García Rivas🇲🇽 / Noemi Garcia🇲🇽 / Sonja Buvinic🇨🇱 Looking forward to this meeting!

I enjoyed the symposium organised by ALACF / IOR Tecnológico de Monterrey w/ Gerardo García Rivas Sonja Buvinic Noemi Garcia at the annual meeting of the Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencias Fisiológicas in Tlaxcala 🇲🇽 I thank my wonderful under and postgraduate students for generating the data on gestational diabesity

I was surprised & honoured to receive a present during the official dinner in recognition of my support for the internationalization of the Mexican Society of Physiological Sciences Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencias Fisiológicas Thanks to the present & future governing board of the society & good new friends