Guillermo Fandos
Assistant professor at @unicomplutense studying how we can improve predictions of biodiversity under global change. Conservation, biogeography, Citizen science.
ID: 1641282108
https://www.gfandos.com 02-08-2013 21:00:01
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📢3.5yr postdoc research fellow position in evolutionary ecology - apply now! Quantifying spatio-seasonal variation in #selection on seasonal #migration. Deadline July 15. School of Biological Sciences UKCEHseabirds Natural Environment Research Council #ecoevo abdnjobs.co.uk/vacancy/resear…

New paper! Using pollen DNA metabarcoding, citizen science and remote sensing we track origin and movements of the massive 2019 #PaintedLady butterfly outbreak. 🦋🌍 #ButterflyMigration #InsectMigration #vanessacardui #PhyloMigrationLab Institut Botànic de Barcelona

Old maps help to identify forests of high conservation value! New paper out by Ewa Grabska-Szwagrzyk in Conservation Letters --> conbio.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/co…

Please RT! Come work with us BioGeo Göttingen! We are seeking for a Biodiversity informatician (permanent senior scientist position) deadline for applications: 07.08.2024 Full job ad here: uni-goettingen.de/en/644546.html…

Desde Anillamiento_SEO nos llega una interesante noticia 😍. Una curruca capirotada anillada en uno de nuestros LIFE Olivares Vivos+ ha sido recapturada en Alemania a 1900 km de distancia. Seguro que habla muy bien de como recuperamos biodiversidad en el olivar 🫒🐦🦋

10 months #postdoc position left in the WILDER project for #demographic #modelling. Apply via izw-berlin.de/en/job-offers.… before 13.09.24 Hyena Project 🐾 Sarah Benhaiem Adam Clark + Viktoriia Radchuk

NEW PAPER: bi-axial orientation may underpin recent migratory responses in blackcaps to rapid anthropic environmental alteration. ➡️ vist.ly/3fvpm Joe Wynn liedvogel lab Kira Delmore Institute of Avian Research "Vogelwarte Helgoland" Benjamin Van Doren Guillermo Fandos #ornithology #birds #migration #ringing #navigation