Guillermo Fandos (@g_fandos) 's Twitter Profile
Guillermo Fandos


Assistant professor at @unicomplutense studying how we can improve predictions of biodiversity under global change. Conservation, biogeography, Citizen science.

ID: 1641282108

link calendar_today02-08-2013 21:00:01

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2,2K Following

Jane Reid (@janemreid1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢3.5yr postdoc research fellow position in evolutionary ecology - apply now! Quantifying spatio-seasonal variation in #selection on seasonal #migration. Deadline July 15. School of Biological Sciences UKCEHseabirds Natural Environment Research Council #ecoevo…

📢3.5yr postdoc research fellow position in evolutionary ecology - apply now! Quantifying spatio-seasonal variation in #selection on seasonal #migration. Deadline July 15. <a href="/UoABioSci/">School of Biological Sciences</a> <a href="/UKCEHseabirds/">UKCEHseabirds</a> <a href="/NERCscience/">Natural Environment Research Council</a> #ecoevo…
Gerard Talavera (@gerardtalavera) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New paper! Using pollen DNA metabarcoding, citizen science and remote sensing we track origin and movements of the massive 2019 #PaintedLady butterfly outbreak. 🦋🌍 #ButterflyMigration #InsectMigration #vanessacardui #PhyloMigrationLab Institut Botànic de Barcelona

New paper! Using pollen DNA metabarcoding, citizen science and remote sensing we track origin and movements of the massive 2019 #PaintedLady butterfly outbreak. 🦋🌍

#ButterflyMigration #InsectMigration #vanessacardui #PhyloMigrationLab <a href="/IBB_botanic/">Institut Botànic de Barcelona</a>
EU Environment (@eu_env) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The #NatureRestoration Law has been adopted! 🎉 This is a great, crucial step forward #ForOurPlanet, citizens, industry and for the future generations. Now we can step up our action on the ground to stop and reverse biodiversity loss, and to #RestoreNature

IUCN Red List (@iucnredlist) 's Twitter Profile Photo

BREAKING NEWS: Iberian lynx rebounding thanks to #conservation action. The Iberian Lynx has improved from Endangered to Vulnerable on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™, continuing its dramatic recovery from near extinction.

BREAKING NEWS: Iberian lynx rebounding thanks to #conservation action.

The Iberian Lynx has improved from Endangered to Vulnerable on The IUCN  Red List of Threatened Species™, continuing its dramatic recovery from near extinction.
SevillaR (@_sevillar) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Seguimos buscando patrocinadores interesados en echarnos una manilla con el 3er Congreso de RHispano. Si es la tuya o sabes de alguna que esté interesada, danos un toque. Y si también puedes ayudarnos difundiendo este mensaje #3RqueR #R #RHispano

Ecoinformática AEET (@ecoinf_aeet) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nos hace mucha ilusión informaros que estamos organizando las I Jornadas de Ecoinformática de la AEET: Análisis crítico y calidad de la información en la era del big data y la inteligencia artificial💻📈🐢🌳

Guillermo Fandos (@g_fandos) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is an excellent example of how understanding the determinants of human-#wildlife #conflict can help develop proactive strategies. We identified the areas where conflict mitigation measures should be prioritized. This approach can be generalizable to other species and places

Irene Mendoza (@phenogirl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We took advantage of the 5th World Ecoacoustic Congress #ecoacoustics24 to present to the scientific community the Spanish Network of Researchers working in Ecoacoustics (#REIE). If you are based in Spain and want to participate, you can fill in this link:

We took advantage of the 5th World Ecoacoustic Congress #ecoacoustics24 to present to the scientific community the Spanish Network of Researchers working in Ecoacoustics (#REIE). If you are based in Spain and want to participate, you can fill in this link:
Jóvenes por la Botánica Española - JxBE (@jovenesbotanica) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 Se buscan nuevos VOLUNTARIOS de MADRID para el INTERNATIONAL BOTANICAL CONGRESS Los voluntarios tendrán cubierta la cuota de inscripción al congreso (240 € para estudiantes) y podrán beneficiarse de los víveres ofrecidos por SEBOT. Los requisitos son: ⬇️

ForEco lab (@foreco_lab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Buscamos un técnico/a de investigación de 1 año, prorrogable 5 meses, para un proyecto sobre colonización de Quercus 🌳Solicitudes hasta el 10/09 🌳Imprecindible máster finalizado o a falta del TFM, B1 de inglés y carné de conducir 🌳Convocatoria:…

Holger Kreft (@biogeokreft) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Please RT! Come work with us BioGeo Göttingen! We are seeking for a Biodiversity informatician (permanent senior scientist position) deadline for applications: 07.08.2024 Full job ad here:…

Please RT!
Come work with us <a href="/BioGeoMacro/">BioGeo Göttingen</a>!

We are seeking for a Biodiversity informatician (permanent senior scientist position)

deadline for applications: 07.08.2024
Full job ad here:…
Comisión Mujeres y Ciencia del CSIC (@cmyc_csic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ya está disponible el Informe Mujeres Investigadoras 2024, con datos del CSIC a 31/12/2023… La gráfica tijera prácticamente no se modifica

John Quinn (@jlqbird) 's Twitter Profile Photo

THREE EXCITING 4-year POSTDOCS in spatial ecology/conservation/applied ecology/ornithology. Thank you!… IEA EcologyJobs postdoc #postdocs

Jeff Doser (@jeffdoser18) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨There is now a "spOccupancy and spAbundance users" mailing list! This will be the primary place to ask questions on using the two R packages going forward. If you use the packages I encourage you to join the group!…

🚨There is now a "spOccupancy and spAbundance users" mailing list! This will be the primary place to ask questions on using the two R packages going forward. If you use the packages I encourage you to join the group!…
R. Tarifa (@rtarifam) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Desde Anillamiento_SEO nos llega una interesante noticia 😍. Una curruca capirotada anillada en uno de nuestros LIFE Olivares Vivos+ ha sido recapturada en Alemania a 1900 km de distancia. Seguro que habla muy bien de como recuperamos biodiversidad en el olivar 🫒🐦🦋

Desde <a href="/AnillamientoSEO/">Anillamiento_SEO</a> nos llega una interesante noticia 😍. Una curruca capirotada anillada en uno de nuestros <a href="/olivaresvivos/">LIFE Olivares Vivos+</a> ha sido recapturada en Alemania a 1900 km de distancia. Seguro que habla muy bien de como recuperamos biodiversidad en el olivar 🫒🐦🦋
Ecological Dynamics (@ecodynizw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

10 months #postdoc position left in the WILDER project for #demographic #modelling. Apply via… before 13.09.24 Hyena Project 🐾 Sarah Benhaiem Adam Clark + Viktoriia Radchuk

J. of Avian Biology (@avianbiology) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NEW PAPER: bi-axial orientation may underpin recent migratory responses in blackcaps to rapid anthropic environmental alteration. ➡️ Joe Wynn liedvogel lab Kira Delmore Institute of Avian Research "Vogelwarte Helgoland" Benjamin Van Doren Guillermo Fandos #ornithology #birds #migration #ringing #navigation

NEW PAPER: bi-axial orientation may underpin recent migratory responses in blackcaps to rapid anthropic environmental alteration.


<a href="/joewynn_birds/">Joe Wynn</a> <a href="/GenMig/">liedvogel lab</a> <a href="/kedelmore/">Kira Delmore</a>  <a href="/ifv_whv/">Institute of Avian Research "Vogelwarte Helgoland"</a> <a href="/bvdbirds/">Benjamin Van Doren</a> <a href="/g_fandos/">Guillermo Fandos</a> #ornithology #birds #migration #ringing #navigation