Dyfodol Cyfansoddiadol | Constitutional Futures
Prosiect sy'n dechrau'r sgwrs ar ddyfodol cyfansoddiadol Cymru | A project that starts the conversation on Wales's constitutional future
ID: 1407264139567828993
https://constitutionalfutures.aber.ac.uk/ 22-06-2021 09:11:44
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Ma'n gwefan newydd ni'n fyw!! Prosiect sy'n arbrofi efo dulliau amgen o gael sgwrs am ddyfodol cyfansoddiadol Cymru constitutionalfutures.aber.ac.uk CWPSAber Prifysgol Aberystwyth Cwnsler Cyffredinol | Counsel General Mick Antoniw MS/AS 🏴✊🇺🇦 @fmwales Theo Davies-Lewis Institute of Welsh Affairs
Our new website is live! A project that's trying innovative ways of starting the conversation on Wales's constitutional future constitutionalfutures.aber.ac.uk CWPSAber Prifysgol Aberystwyth Cwnsler Cyffredinol | Counsel General Mick Antoniw MS/AS 🏴✊🇺🇦 @fmwales Theo Davies-Lewis Institute of Welsh Affairs
Really great to hear Mick Antoniw MS/AS 🏴✊🇺🇦 Cwnsler Cyffredinol | Counsel General commit to a national conversation on Wales's #constitutionalfuture that goes out to communities and is relevant to everyday lives. It could be great - how do we make it happen??
Sut mae cynnal sgwrs ar ddyfodol Cymru? Dyma gyfle i rannu syniadau 👇 Mwy o wybodaeth a cofrestru yma: constitutionalfutures.aber.ac.uk/cy/galw/ Gwleidyddiaeth Aber, Prifysgol Aberystwyth Urdd Gobaith Cymru CFfI Cymru Golwg360 Elin Jones Ben Lake AS/MP
How should we have a conversation about the future of Wales? Here's a chance to share some ideas 👇 More info and to register: constitutionalfutures.aber.ac.uk/call-out/ Aberystwyth University WISERD Institute of Welsh Affairs Co-production Network for Wales