Clay Fuqua
ID: 4116372257
http://www.bio.indiana.edu/faculty/directory/profile.php?person=cfuqua 05-11-2015 02:43:47
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New in JB: LB, or not to LB, Mg2+ is the question! Declining Mg2+ availability uncouples cell division from growth rate @jukebarosh BacillusBaRosh 🌪️ journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/jb… ASM JBacteriology Eds

Our work on host-generated tRNA fragments in inhibiting oral pathobiont Fusobacterium nucleatum just came on line Pu-Ting Dong The ISME Journal . The chemical modification improves efficacy at nM range. Works against clinical isolates from colorectal cancer. nature.com/articles/s4139…

Looking forward to the Watanabe Symposium tomorrow (09/30) through the IU Quantitative and Chemical Biology training grant. Quantitative & Chemical Biology-Indiana University iuqcb.indiana.edu/events/watanab…

Looking forward to the IU Biotechnology Joan Woods Lecture this Thursday (10/05, 5:20-6:20pm, BB124) from Dr. Robin Patel Prof. Robin Patel on biofilm-associated infections on prosthetic joints - also hopefully, some insights into Dr. Patel's amazing career path.

Also thrilled to be joined today by our newest colleague Nicki Limoli Dominique Limoli for the 2023 IU Micro Retreat! First talk of the retreat!

Our new paper on pterin-dependent regulatory systems is out with Jen Greenwich 🧫🦠🧬 and our collaborators at Va Tech (Kylie Allen lab), Northwestern (Karla Satchell and colleagues at the CSBID), and Purdue (Arun Ghosh lab), & Fuqua lab alums. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2319903121