Francesca Collins (@fsc1992) 's Twitter Profile
Francesca Collins


Achieving Goals and Aiming High!... travelled NZ 2017, Australia 2018 - resistant in NZ 2019... Home ♥️ #NZSL #BSL #signlanguage #interpreting #travel #learning

ID: 971668016

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Linguistpd (@linguistpd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

WHAT QUESTIONS DO YOU HAVE ABOUT EDUCATIONAL INTERPRETING? Our Educational Interpreting webinar is on Thursday 26th September! What do you want to know about this domain? Reply to this tweet to let us know or email us on [email protected]! #BSL #EducationalInterpreting


Our Educational Interpreting webinar is on Thursday 26th September! What do you want to know about this domain? Reply to this tweet to let us know or email us on!

#BSL #EducationalInterpreting
Warren and Mahoney (@warrenmahoney) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our WGN studio had an early start to Green Building Week this morning, with a plastic-free breakfast and discussion on NetZero Carbon emissions initiatives

Our WGN studio had an early start to Green Building Week this morning, with a plastic-free breakfast and discussion on NetZero Carbon emissions initiatives
Dr Jules Dickinson (@drjulesd1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Really thought-provoking presentation this evening, thanks @hildemh Maartje De Meulder and ASLI My take-away is to be more intuitive, and not assume I am the answer to the communicative challenge :-)

Really thought-provoking presentation this evening, thanks @hildemh <a href="/mdemeulder/">Maartje De Meulder</a> and <a href="/ASLIuk/">ASLI</a> My take-away is to be more intuitive, and not assume I am the answer to the communicative challenge :-)
able (@able_nz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Able will be launching captions for TVNZ+'s TVNZ Breakfast from Monday 5 October! 🎉 We know it's been long-awaited by caption users, and we’re delighted to be providing this new service thanks to funding from NZ On Air / Irirangi Te Motu. Check out our blog for more info.…

SLIANZ (@slianz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you haven't been able to make the event this morning, it will be recorded and available later this week :) #interpretingcovidstyle

Jessica Cunningham #KBF (@theprodigalfox) 's Twitter Profile Photo

if you text 07725909090 when you are feeling really depressed, a Samaritans volunteer will text with you.Many people don't like talking on the phone & find it difficult to open up to friends&family. Share, copy&paste, please spread the word.#ItsOkNotToBeOk

Sofiya Kalinova BL (@skalinova) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ever wondered what its like being a deaf student in different countries in Europe? Interested in moving in another country but don't know what support they provide? You can find that in the newly launched "Handbook for Deaf Students in Europe"! #education #deafstudents EDSU

Francesca Collins (@fsc1992) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just finished reading this... WOW!!! 🙌🏻 A must read for everyone and anyone, everywhere... thanks for such amazing insights, can't wait to see how the future continues to develop! Bruce D. Perry, M.D.,Ph.D. #TheBoyWhoWasRaisedAsADog

Just finished reading this... WOW!!! 🙌🏻 A must read for everyone and anyone, everywhere... thanks for such amazing insights, can't wait to see how the future continues to develop! <a href="/BDPerry/">Bruce D. Perry, M.D.,Ph.D.</a> #TheBoyWhoWasRaisedAsADog
TEDx (@tedx) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What if companies invested as much in their employee's mental well-being as they do in their physical health, or in their corporate environmental impact?

What if companies invested as much in their employee's mental well-being as they do in their physical health, or in their corporate environmental impact?
BBCSeeHear (@bbcseehear) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The See Hear Christmas Special is up next week, includes fantastic Deaf children signing about the problem of communicating with Father Christmas. especially when he has a big beard! Pls watch & share. 8am BBC2, Weds 6th Dec…

European Disability Forum (@myedf) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy International Day of Persons with Disabilities everyone! We are looking forward to celebrate together next week. Don’t miss our big events: #EDPD2017 #EPdisability #EDDW17 & many others – check the 'Save the date' section of our website: