Free the Pill
Campaign of @IbisRH working w/ our partners to educate & engage in support of over-the-counter birth control pills in the US. Join the movement to #FreeThePill.
ID: 2779030333
https://freethepill.org/ 29-08-2014 19:15:55
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Join us TOMORROW (8/13) to hear from Lupe M. Rodriguez, Sally Rafie, Dr. Kristyn Brandi, Advocates for Youth #FreeThePill Youth Council member Beau Nelson, & Kelly Blanchard on the road to FDA approval of Opill® & strategies for equitable access. Register now: bit.ly/FreeThePill_Co…

We LOVE seeing your photos of Opill® on store shelves nationwide! Here's another way to help document access to OTC contraception-both EC + Opill-in your community👉Take American Society for Emergency Contraception's access survey to share price + access info in your local stores: surveymonkey.com/r/3FD5FDH

.Guttmacher Institute's Megan Kavanaugh revisits Jacqueline Coulette’s 2012 essay “How I Had Sex in 1950.” Since that time, birth control has become nearly universal in American society, but access to contraception still faces threats. zps.la/3TksLJh

🚨New Pub out in the world today in JAMA Network Open "Adolescents and Young Adults’ Sources of Contraceptive Information" led by Dr. Betsy Pleasants & a truly joyful group of colleagues Brooke Whitfield Zoe H. Pleasure, MPH (she/her) Laura Lindberg, PhD Power to Decide jamanetwork.com/journals/jaman…