Free Grace Press (@freegracepress) 's Twitter Profile
Free Grace Press


Reformed Baptist Publisher | Founded by @1689Jeffrey

ID: 1637040692

link calendar_today01-08-2013 03:39:08

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Allen S. Nelson IV (@cuatronelson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

.Free Grace Press has put some of the endorsements up for A Change of Heart on their website. A few more endorsements to come, Lord willing but things are getting closer. I really love the cover!…

Jeffrey D. Johnson (@1689jeffrey) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our understanding of God shapes everything we believe. Shipping out next week. Just a few more days to save on the pre-release sale. I am so thankful for everyone who has already pre-ordered a copy.…

Duff (@dgh5391) 's Twitter Profile Photo

An important contribution to the current debate from Jeffrey D. Johnson Free Grace Press Here you'll find faithful, biblical affirmations of: - aseity - divine simplicity - impassability - immutability

An important contribution to the current debate from <a href="/1689Jeffrey/">Jeffrey D. Johnson</a> <a href="/freegracepress/">Free Grace Press</a>  

Here you'll find faithful, biblical affirmations of:

- aseity
- divine simplicity
- impassability
- immutability