Frank Lin
Medical Oncologist, #CancerInformatics, #PrecisionOncology, #Oncology, #TranslationalInformatics, #EMR, Clinical #MachineLearning and #ArtificialIntelligence
ID: 3028939458
https://www.garvan.org.au/people/fralin 19-02-2015 07:10:28
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Tweeting older work in #CancerInformatics that may be of interest to some: Oncologists' collective decision about whether a #BreastCancer patient should have #AdjuvantChemotherapy can be modelled by #MachineLearning: bmccancer.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.11… #CDSS #Chemotherapy #HealthInformatics

..also thanks to YearbMedInform2017 for recognising our work thieme-connect.com/products/ejour…. My view: whether #DecisionSupport is best done by a data- or a guideline-driven approach (or both) needs to be resolved by prospective clinical trials. #MachineLearning #CDSS #HealthInformatics

Extracting oncologist’s observations from #EMR can predict survival more accurately than PS score in advanced #cancer patients. Mobility, symptoms, con-meds are predictors. Thank you JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics for publishing our work! #NLP #CancerAI #ML #cancerprognosis ascopubs.org/doi/full/10.12…

Thanks Katrin Sjoquist for a great summary of where to next for advanced biliary cancer in the era of genomics Australian Rare Cancer (ARC) Portal Omico Australia

Archive to application: pleased to share our work in the latest issue of JAAD Intl, showing the potential to enhance Mohs surgery through pragmatic deep learning in non-melanoma skin cancer. #DigitalDermatology #DigitalPathology #MohsSurgery #CancerAI jaadinternational.org/article/S2666-…