Food Packaging Forum
We are a non-profit foundation making scientific facts about food packaging and health accessible and understandable to all.
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http://foodpackagingforum.org 25-11-2013 11:46:22
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Our very own Jane Muncke was featured on ‘The Great Simplification’ with Nathan John Hagens. They discuss health effects associated with #chemicals in food contact materials and big questions about consuming more sustainably and protecting #publichealth. ⬇️ Watch the whole discussion

Study by Consumer Reports finds #BPA and #phthalates in various packaged and processed foods, including organic ones. While the levels are in a wide range, the authors argue “there is no level that scientists have confirmed as safe.” Learn more ⬇️ foodpackagingforum.org/news/report-fi…

Why talk about #reuse? It’s an important issue for the EU’s ongoing #PPWR discussions and the upcoming UN Environment Programme #INC-4 meeting to develop a global #PlasticsTreaty. 📽️ Watch the full presentation: youtube.com/watch?v=tt3ftb… 📜 Explore the fact sheet: foodpackagingforum.org/reuse

❓ What are #plastics made from? Do we know all of the #chemicals present in them? Can they be recycled forever? 👉 Here is an easy-to-understand introduction to #plastics for food contact applications ⬇️ foodpackagingforum.org/fpf-2016/wp-co… ☝️Other fact sheets➡️ foodpackagingforum.org/packaging-fact…

❓ What are #paper and #board #foodpackaging made of? Are they a good alternative to #plastic food packaging? 👉 Here is an easy-to-understand introduction to paper and board for food contact applications ⬇️ foodpackagingforum.org/fpf-2016/wp-co… ☝️Other fact sheets ➡️ foodpackagingforum.org/packaging-fact…

❓ What exactly is the #glass used in #foodpackaging made of? How can switching to #reuse reduce the environmental impacts of glass? 👉 Here is an introduction to glass for food contact applications ⬇️ foodpackagingforum.org/fpf-2016/wp-co… ☝️Other fact sheets ➡️ foodpackagingforum.org/packaging-fact…

📢 The State of the Science on Plastic Chemicals is a comprehensive new report that outlines the current #science and understanding of 🧪 #chemicals in #plastics. 📅 Join us on March 14th with the GENeva Environment Network to get first-hand insights from the authors ⬇️ plastchem-project.org

Our latest report with Endocrine Society raises new concerns about the profound threats to human health from endocrine disrupting chemicals (#EDCs) that are ubiquitous in our surroundings and everyday lives. Learn more and download the report: ipen.org/documents/endo…

👩🔬 Our new study in ACS Publications' Environmental Science & Technology compiled data from over 47 publications testing for #PFAS in food packaging, and here’s what we found 👇 Read the paper ➡️ pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ac… Or our short summary ➡️ foodpackagingforum.org/news/overview-…

💡 Our new research gives an overview on food contact chemicals found in human samples. ➡️ Full study: nature.com/articles/s4137… ➡️ Summary article: foodpackagingforum.org/news/new-fpf-s… ➡️ Database: foodpackagingforum.org/fcchumon Our Video summarizes key points 👇 youtu.be/TI4a9SFfVKg

📢 New peer-reviewed research from our scientists on potential breast carcinogens in food packaging is out! ➡️ Full study: frontiersin.org/journals/toxic… ➡️ Summary article: foodpackagingforum.org/news/fpf-study… Check out our video that summarizes key points of the study ⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=wcGeuu…