Palokärki eSports
Your favourite Robin Hood team: taking points from the rich and giving to the poor. Suomen paras R6-organisaatio. Perinteet puulaakissa jo vuodesta 2013.
ID: 1123966721600184320
https://www.twitch.tv/palokarkiesports 02-05-2019 15:05:23
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🏆 Résultat Controller Cup & League Silent OLD lose 1-7 vs Palokärki eSports GGWP

Can the only finnish comp team make a miracle tonight and WIN?? Tn Polakaeki v Solaire RSX Events

Just another double game day 😎 Aspire vs Palokärki eSports 🏆RSX Events ⏳8pm CEST LU: Daki von Park 📲 Karol KacperASPIRE 𝓐 Scriipzz —————— WiT vs Blind Owls Esports 🏆Cross League ⏳8:30pm CEST LU: D𝘢n𝘰 Der Polake🇵🇱 𝔥𝔞𝔰𝔦𝔪 Blacklist 💲 #MGAspire #MGWiT

Tonight our journey at Controller Cup & League Honor-league group B begins with a match against @Le7hal_SoulsPS . Liitteenä klippi illan Urheiluruutuun kuvatusta haastiksesta.

Our first match in this season of Controller Cup & League Honor-league ends with 2-0 (7-1 and 7-5) win. GG WP Le7haL Souls

It's do or die time for the playoff-dreams. Tonight we face NazgûlClan at Controller Cup & League . Match streamed by Laitsi🇫🇮 at twitch.tv/laitsi. GL HF