Viktor Ek
Scientist with a 🫀 for #sciart. Recent PhD graduate from the @sellinlab at @UU_University.
ID: 1331211324739772416
24-11-2020 12:21:41
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Thrilled to release u-track 3D! We automate the exploration and analysis of 3D+t data with multiscale tracking, dynamic ROI and tracking error inference. . With W. Legant, Q. Zou, Kevin Dean @ErikWelf A. David, D. Gerlich, Reto Fiolka, Eric Betzig Gaudenz Danuser
Tomorrow I'm running my last progress report for the Sellin Lab. Such an occasion begs the question: shalt one wear one's #phdsword..? ⚔️
Doing my (likely) final infection experiment at the Sellin Lab! Let's see how these #Salmonella interact with the cells! 🔬
Yesterday was my last day at the Sellin Lab at Uppsala University. Going to miss this place. Today enjoying the first of a few days off before a move and then onto my next adventure! #bittersweet
Today I started my new job at 10x Genomics, where I will support the Swedish R&D microscopy core! 💪 Exciting times! 🔬
Today we finally published the genomic analyses of hair locks from world-famous music composer Ludwig van #Beethoven. The #genome offers clues to his health and family history! 🧬💇♂️ Current Biology (credits: Beethoven-Haus Bonn; T. Begg) 🧵 1/11
Get maximum comparability between the strains in your infections - simply mix them all together and use the mix to infect your model! Or why not many of the same genotype? 🤯 Maria Letizia Di Martino and Sellin Lab tells you how in this methods paper: