FORMIND - The forest model

🛰️🌳From Aug.29 to Sep.3 the #ForestSAT2022 conference will take place in #Berlin. If you are interested in the global carbon cycle and work with forest models, remote sensing or AI, please submit your contribution to our special session ForestSAT #forest forestsat2022.com/special-sessio…

The regeneration workshop have started this morning with 13 modeling teams and regeneration experts! Looking forward to exciting discussions and better understanding on this exciting aspect of forest dynamics PROCLIAS - COST Action 19139 ETH Zurich

🚨🚨Hot off the press: The largest forest model intercomparison ever done in Europe in the last 20 years in a totally innovative performance framework just published on Global Change Biology. Proudly part of it! onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.111…

Waldschutzinitiative auf der Klimakonferenz: »Einfach nur Geld verteilen reicht nicht« spiegel.de/wissenschaft/k… via DER SPIEGEL #cop27egypt #Amazon

"Der Wald der Zukunft" ist der Titel des #podcast , welchen Scientists for Future Podcast und ich letztens aufgenommen haben. Themen: * Klimakonferenz in Ägypten * die Tropen und unsere Wälder * Artenvielfalt & nachhaltige Nutzung des Waldes. 👉s4f-podcast.de/2022/12/folge-… #Klimakrise

📣Registration open! Thank you for your submissions, we have put together an exciting and varied programme of workshops, sessions and of course the conference dinner, which will take place at the Moritzbastei! All information and registration at: ecem23.eu/register/

We are currently presenting our work at the "Neue Perspektiven der Erdbeobachtung" in Bonn Deutsche Raumfahrtagentur. Luise shows her study about linking of GEDI lidar data with FORMIND - The forest model to estimate high resolution carbon fluxes for the entire Amazon rainforest 🛰️🌳🛰️