26 | komischer Kauz | Architects | In Flames we trust | Currents | TAA | Schnabulator | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ | achja und Streamer lol
ID: 3242522410 08-05-2015 21:26:49
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354 Following
Was waren das für spannende Qualifier! Alle Spieler haben herausragend gespielt, aber nur zwei Teams konnten sich die letzten begehrten Slots für die #DeadlyRiSELeague sichern! 😈 TurboTurtles Cutienatus 👿 GoodNightStreamer GG WP & Gratulation! 🎉
Wenn dich der Trickster in den ersten 30 Sekunden downt 😬 @Hens3331 (TurboTurtles Cutienatus)
Eine starke Killer-Runde von ShiX (TurboTurtles Cutienatus). GG WP! 🙌 #DeadlyRiSELeague
Trapper Artwork finished!🍅🔪 First exception commission for TheEntityLeftHand The entity is pleased. PRAISE I had so much fun working on this. Working time: 170h Hope you like it! ✅ retweet it! ❌ don't repost! #dbdfanart #DeadbyDaylight #DeadByBHVR #trapper
Its been so long! Time for another Giveaway! 🥳 🌸Win 3 custom made Emotes🌸 How to enter: -🔁Retweet (no quote) - Follow ⋯✦ Nana Ga - no giveaway accounts Ends April 3rd Good luck! 💜