ThisIsNotMyHome (@fixyourhat) 's Twitter Profile


Follower of Christ. "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come."

ID: 2687799023

calendar_today08-07-2014 17:24:46

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1,1K Following

Joel Richardson (@joel7richardson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Not a single algorithm, well funded think-tank, expert, or pollster can definitely tell us who will win the American election in just a few weeks. But the biblical prophets absolutely nailed the current geopolitical atmosphere and ground reality on numerous counts, in very

The FAI Wire 🎗️ (@fai_wire) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Erdogan demands for the OIC to convene over the threat of Israeli "expansionism" on the Temple Mount.…

The FAI Wire 🎗️ (@fai_wire) 's Twitter Profile Photo

62,000 Christians have been killed in Nigeria since 2000. That's an average of ~2,600/year, or 7/day. The estimate was 5,000 in 2022 and 7-8,000 in 2023. So it's getting worse. Nigeria is now a Muslim majority nation, the 5th largest in the world.… (@lifenewshq) 's Twitter Profile Photo

KAMALA: Late-term abortions are not a thing. "That is not happening." FACT: The CDC confirms there are thousands of late-term abortions on viable babies every year.…

The FAI Wire 🎗️ (@fai_wire) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Four days after Turkish Pres Erdogan calls for an alliance of Muslim states to confront Israel, the newly elected president of Iran does the same while visiting the leaders of Iraq. The kings of the North are talking unity against the Covenant.…

ThisIsNotMyHome (@fixyourhat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm no pastor, but as head of my family, I've been doing Bible studies on the Book of Revelation. I've decided to share in case someone else may benefit from them or have any feedback. I used various sources noted in each article. I'm open to feedback.

ThisIsNotMyHome (@fixyourhat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm lucky enough to work from home 99% of the time, but occasionally I have to go to work events. Seeing people in a big city go about their day makes me wonder how many are Believers. I have this sorrow when some show evidence of believing in self, rather than the Creator.

Aaron (@aaroninwriting) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🇮🇱 We now live in a day in which myriads of professing Christians are beginning to openly praise Adolph Hitler, as well as revile and condemn you for employing the phrase ‘Judeo-Christian’. I grow more convinced by the day, that we are in fact witnessing THE strong delusion of

🇮🇱 We now live in a day in which myriads of professing Christians are beginning to openly praise Adolph Hitler, as well as revile and condemn you for employing the phrase ‘Judeo-Christian’.

I grow more convinced by the day, that we are in fact witnessing THE strong delusion of
ThisIsNotMyHome (@fixyourhat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Was talking to a fellow believer yesterday who said "As long as their heart is good, there's a chance." No one has a good heart. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" Jeremiah 17:9

Skeletor 🧼🧽🫧 (@themuppetpastor) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Paul murdered Christians yet wrote the great epistles of our faith. Peter hacked off a man’s ear but taught us to cast our cares upon God. Jonah ran away from God, yet his ministry saved 100,000 lives. David slept with a married woman and killed her husband. The fact that

Tim Young (@timrunshismouth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Coca Cola won't let you personalize a can with "Jesus" ...but allows satan and Allah. Why do they discriminate against Christianity?

ThisIsNotMyHome (@fixyourhat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you aren't studying Revelation with your family, you should be. More than ever it speaks to the times we are now in, and it's the only book that promises a blessing for its reading and studying. See my articles for my family Bible study on this important topic. I'm open to

ThisIsNotMyHome (@fixyourhat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This next verse in Revelation 11:18 encompasses the entire Millenium. Maranatha! ==================== 18 The nations were angry, but your wrath has come. The time has come for the dead to be judged and to give the reward to your servants the prophets, to the saints, and to those

ThisIsNotMyHome (@fixyourhat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This next verse in Revelation 11:18 encompasses the entire Millenium. Maranatha! ==================== 18 The nations were angry, but your wrath has come. The time has come for the dead to be judged and to give the reward to your servants the prophets, to the saints, and to those