Financial Shield is offering the UK’s first model of social prescribing to include debt management to improve people’s physical and mental health outcomes
ID: 1372505821242920960
http://www.financial-shield.uk/ 18-03-2021 11:14:32
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Cutting benefits for part-time workers is bad for their health and won’t increase employment for groups vulnerable to the #costoflivingcrisis. Barbara Reichwein explains why, and what partners Design Council @timewise_uk Responsible Credit are doing to make work and finances healthier:

Negative budgets are on the rise, it's something our Financial Support Link Workers have increasingly been seeing. CitizensAdvice say its a "ticking time bomb" and that's especially true for people with long term health conditions. bbc.co.uk/news/business-… #LinkWorkers

🚨Calling anyone working with problem debt🚨 The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) is seeking evidence to support the development of a future commissioning strategy on debt advice. Find out how to participate here: smartsurvey.co.uk/s/MaPS-debt-re… #debt #debtadvice

The Executive Council, Unite and I call on the GOV.UK and Money & Pensions Service to increase and extend the levy which pays for debt advice services so that all organisations which create or profit from problem debt make a contribution to fixing it. Unite Debt Advice Network #SaveDebtAdvice

15:19 Striking findings in The Standard from our research with @Kings_PHS and Outcomes Based Healthcare – the culmination of 4 yrs of detective work combing through 20 yrs of records to gain insights on the true extent of the vast health inequalities in our boroughs standard.co.uk/news/health/bl…

1/ Local Advice Agencies across Scotland are facing cuts, with often the Scottish Government giving preference to national call centre style agencies over local community services. But the new 50+ Community Link Workers face the axe in Glasgow is shocking alliance-scotland.org.uk/health-and-soc…

We're delighted to share that our funders Impact on Urban Health will invest a further £600,000 into Financial Shield to enable 2,000 people living with long-term health conditions to receive much-needed financial support between now and October 2025 🛡️🫂 #socialprescribing

So what will new Impact on Urban Health funding support? Here is what we have been up to: 👉330 referrals onboarded 👉94 positive outcomes... so far 👉£4,000 average value of awards for residents helped with claims 👉£2,528 average income gain per person