FinancialShield (@fin_shield_uk) 's Twitter Profile


Financial Shield is offering the UK’s first model of social prescribing to include debt management to improve people’s physical and mental health outcomes

ID: 1372505821242920960

link calendar_today18-03-2021 11:14:32

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Impact on Urban Health (@impurbanhealth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Cutting benefits for part-time workers is bad for their health and won’t increase employment for groups vulnerable to the #costoflivingcrisis. Barbara Reichwein explains why, and what partners Design Council @timewise_uk Responsible Credit are doing to make work and finances healthier:

James Sanderson (@jamescsanderson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Lots of chat on here today about the ‘lack of evidence’ for #SocialPrescribing, following the publication of yet another study, so I thought I would make a few, hopefully obvious, points…

FinancialShield (@fin_shield_uk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Negative budgets are on the rise, it's something our Financial Support Link Workers have increasingly been seeing. CitizensAdvice say its a "ticking time bomb" and that's especially true for people with long term health conditions.… #LinkWorkers

Negative budgets are on the rise, it's something our Financial Support Link Workers have increasingly been seeing. <a href="/CitizensAdvice/">CitizensAdvice</a> say its a "ticking time bomb" and that's especially true for people with long term health conditions.… #LinkWorkers
FinancialShield (@fin_shield_uk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨Calling anyone working with problem debt🚨 The Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) is seeking evidence to support the development of a future commissioning strategy on debt advice. Find out how to participate here:… #debt #debtadvice

HealthJusticeUK (@healthjusticeuk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We were delighted to host our first in-person event in 3yrs bringing together leaders in health, law and policy to discuss the potential of Health Justice Partnerships in Integrated Care Systems. Recording to follow! With heartfelt thanks to our inspirational speakers 👏👏👏

We were delighted to host our first in-person event in 3yrs bringing together leaders in health, law and policy to discuss the potential of Health Justice Partnerships in Integrated Care Systems.

Recording to follow!

With heartfelt thanks to our inspirational speakers 👏👏👏
Sylvia Simpson (@dickerbird) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As our debt advisers now face compulsory redundancies we need support more than ever. Please support this important campaign...

Sharon Graham (@unitesharon) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Executive Council, Unite and I call on the GOV.UK and Money & Pensions Service to increase and extend the levy which pays for debt advice services so that all organisations which create or profit from problem debt make a contribution to fixing it. Unite Debt Advice Network #SaveDebtAdvice

The Executive Council, Unite and I call on the <a href="/GOVUK/">GOV.UK</a> and Money &amp; Pensions Service to increase and extend the levy which pays for debt advice services so that all organisations which create or profit from problem debt make a contribution to fixing it. <a href="/UniteDebt/">Unite Debt Advice Network</a> #SaveDebtAdvice
Barbara Reichwein (@breichwein) 's Twitter Profile Photo

15:19 Striking findings in The Standard from our research with @Kings_PHS and Outcomes Based Healthcare – the culmination of 4 yrs of detective work combing through 20 yrs of records to gain insights on the true extent of the vast health inequalities in our boroughs…

Alan McIntosh (@advice_scotland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

1/ Local Advice Agencies across Scotland are facing cuts, with often the Scottish Government giving preference to national call centre style agencies over local community services. But the new 50+ Community Link Workers face the axe in Glasgow is shocking…

Sylvia Simpson (@dickerbird) 's Twitter Profile Photo

No one should ever have to pay for debt advice. But people have, because the government don't give enough funding for free debt advice. I'd love to see the stats where 'debt advisers' have gained a fee for referring to an IVA!!!

FinancialShield (@fin_shield_uk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We're delighted to share that our funders Impact on Urban Health will invest a further £600,000 into Financial Shield to enable 2,000 people living with long-term health conditions to receive much-needed financial support between now and October 2025 🛡️🫂 #socialprescribing

We're delighted to share that our funders <a href="/ImpUrbanHealth/">Impact on Urban Health</a> will invest a further £600,000 into Financial Shield to enable 2,000 people living with long-term health conditions to receive much-needed financial support between now and October 2025 🛡️🫂 #socialprescribing
FinancialShield (@fin_shield_uk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So what will new Impact on Urban Health funding support? Here is what we have been up to: 👉330 referrals onboarded 👉94 positive outcomes... so far 👉£4,000 average value of awards for residents helped with claims 👉£2,528 average income gain per person

So what will new <a href="/ImpUrbanHealth/">Impact on Urban Health</a> funding support? Here is what we have been up to:
👉330 referrals onboarded
👉94 positive outcomes... so far
👉£4,000 average value of awards for residents helped with claims
👉£2,528 average income gain per person
FinancialShield (@fin_shield_uk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New to Financial Shield? Here is our story... a new social prescribing model that offers benefits advice to people with long-term health conditions & who are struggling financially.

New to Financial Shield? Here is our story... a new social prescribing model that offers benefits advice to people with long-term health conditions &amp; who are struggling financially.
FinancialShield (@fin_shield_uk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our pilot began in 2021 to test the effectiveness of offering face to face benefits advice to people with long term health & financial problems, with GP practices proactively marketing the scheme to patients.

FinancialShield (@fin_shield_uk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We rely on the great work of Financial Support Link Workers to coordinate with patients, creditors and healthcare providers in Lambeth and Southwark. Read what they think about the project here:…

FinancialShield (@fin_shield_uk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The scheme offers an innovative ‘local breathing space’, with the local authorities in Lambeth and Southwark and four local housing associations agreeing to suspend enforcement for rent and Council Tax arrears for up to 60 days whilst incomes are maximised.

FinancialShield (@fin_shield_uk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

To stay up to date with Financial Shield, sign up to our newsletter & become part of our Learning Network

FinancialShield (@fin_shield_uk) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Report finds people with long term health conditions which limit daily activities "a lot" are amongst the groups most likely to use illegal lenders