Filippo Mezzanotti
Associate Professor of Finance, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Topics: Finance, Politics, and (more importantly) Inter. RT ≠ Endorsement
ID: 901957920
24-10-2012 14:47:15
4,4K Tweet
1,1K Following

Questa era oggi via dell'indipendenza Queste sono le persone di Liberi, Oltre le Illusioni 🇺🇦🇪🇺 Questa è la voce che chiede la libertà #SlavaUkraini

I’d just like everyone to know that United Airlines has lost track of my bag and is lying about it. My apple AirTag shows that it has been sitting in a residential apartment complex for over a day. Out back by the dumpsters, I have found other emptied United Airlines bags.

#econtwitter #econjobs We are hiring at Economics UniTO! There are five openings for postdoc positions in Economics (assegni di ricerca) at our department.

Applications are open for the 2nd run of the NBER Innovation Boot Camp in July! Pierre Azoulay, heidiwilliams, Ben Jones, Chad Jones, Kyle Myers, John Van Reenen, Joel Mokyr & I (+ more!) have a great set of lectures planned - heck, I'll be attending them to learn more myself!

Another Northwestern Kellogg School predoc RA posting for 2023-2024, this one with Sara Moreira and Nicolas Crouzet Topics: macroeconomics, firm dynamics, and corporate finance Apply here: kellogg.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1F… cc #EconTwitter Econ RA Listings PREDOC.org

📢Our final spring WEFI seminar is next Monday, May 1st. Filippo Mezzanotti presents "Research and/or Development? Financial Frictions and Innovation Investment" (joint w/ Tim Simcoe, Questrom School of Business, Boston University). Sharon Belenzon (Duke Fuqua ) discusses. Register here: bit.ly/wefi_may1