Fife Apple RTC
Fife Apple Regional Training Centre provides excellent professional learning on Apple technologies by educators, for educators. Part of @FifePLTeam
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https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/fi/fifertc/ 06-10-2021 11:54:42
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It’s day ✨eight✨ of #12daysofhighschool2024 and especially for you 🫶 we have ‘Mind-Mapping with Freeform’ from Ruth RenfrewshireRTC 🤩 Watch the video here 👉 youtu.be/qgk0AtMS2d4 #EveryoneCanCreate #AppleEdu

It’s day ✨eleven✨ of #12daysofhighschool2024 and this time we have ‘Revision Resources Using iMovie’ with Jim from Aberdeenshire RTC Love Learning Aberdeenshire 🔆 Watch here 👉 youtu.be/kK0ehWs3Q2U #EveryoneCanCreate #AppleEdu

🏴 #AppleRTC Colab 🫶 #12DaysofHighSchool2024 Day 1️⃣1️⃣👉🏼 youtu.be/kK0ehWs3Q2U Creating revision resources in iMovie with Jim Love Learning Aberdeenshire 🎬 #EveryoneCanCreate #AppleEdu Share with your colleagues Edinburgh Learns DIGITAL Edinburgh Learns Creative Learning Team, City of Edinburgh Council Tynecastle High

Falkirk Apple RTC Fife Apple RTC RTC Borders RenfrewshireRTC PKAppleRTC Love Learning Aberdeenshire Edinburgh Apple RTC Digital Learning and Teaching Absolutely fantastic to have all the RTCs involved that were able to take part! Thank you 🤩 to everyone for their contributions! Looking forward to the next 12 Days of… 👏🏽

Want to see all the videos for #12DaysOfHighSchool2024 in one place? Head over to bit.ly/RTC12DaysHS and let's see what collaboration will come next 🫶 #AppleRTC GlasgowRTC RTC Borders RenfrewshireRTC Falkirk Apple RTC PKAppleRTC Edinburgh Apple RTC Love Learning Aberdeenshire Digital Learning and Teaching

More collaboration between us & our fellow LAs next session but meantime check out all videos from #12daysofhighschool2024 at bit.ly/RTC12DaysHS Fife Apple RTC Falkirk Apple RTC RTC Borders RenfrewshireRTC GlasgowRTC PKAppleRTC Edinburgh Apple RTC Digital Learning and Teaching

What have we got on offer this term? There's Apple Teacher and creating with drawing & photo with Fife Apple RTC, cyber resilience & internet safety support and the opportunity to explore using interactive screens & visualisers. Interested? Sign up details ➡️bit.ly/fifedigi

Our #AppleRTC Webinars page has been updated with a list of events for September 2024. Have a look here blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/glowblogs/digi… Please share this with those in your networks. #DigilearnScot #AppleEDUCommunity Professional Learning and Leadership Education Scotland

A privilege to spend the morning with Fife Professional Learning Team exploring #AppleTeacher Apple Education resources and discussing ways to use apps/features such as Markup, Keynote, accessibility tools and iMovie in the classroom #FifeRTC #AppleRTC

🎶🎸🎺Music educators assemble! 🥁🎻🎼 Join us for a very special session with Donald Sorah exploring tools and techniques for integrating technology into your music teaching practice. You’ll even have the chance to play as part of an iPad ensemble! ✏️ forms.gle/scnHRu9RNNzLD9…