FCPS Equity Office
We must graciously stand up and stand for others. #FCPSEquity #wordsmatter #actionsmatter #relationshipsmatter
ID: 765942423801438208
https://www.fcps.org/centraloffice/educational-equity 17-08-2016 16:04:39
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HES celebrates Hispanic Heritage month in many ways. Highlights:-Staff sharing their Hispanic culture in Spanish -Guest speakers & J. McConnaughey read the Spanish slides on morning announcements. Ss and families create posters celebrating their heritage. #proudtobeahusky #ALLIN

Great performance by Yellow Springs ES student chorus! 🎼🎹🎤🎼

Frederick Classical students with a beautiful rendition of Over My Head!

Congratulations to our FCPS Thurmont Primary MLK Jr Award Recipient, Elena Rowley. Proud of this young lady for all the ways she shows kindness, acceptance, inclusion & respect! #TPSTakeOff