Kyle Farrell
resident @mayoanesres | @RegisUniversity @CreightonSOM alum | opinions are my own
ID: 337893277
18-07-2011 19:06:07
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Check out “Acceleromyography vs. Electromyography: Making a Twitch, Checking It Twice,” an infographic published in the October issue of Anesthesiology. ow.ly/otng50GjPbw #anesthesiology

We are excited to welcome our newest class of Mayo Clinic Department of Anesthesiology residents. We can't wait to work with you! Meet the Class of 2026! #Match2022

Incredibly grateful to work alongside and learn from such amazing colleagues! Thank you to Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Residency Rochester and all my co-residents for a wonderful intern year! MayoAnesthesiaResMN

Dr. Kyle Farrell presenting the results of our study of fellows and what social media platforms and posts they used to research prospective fellowship programs at #IARS24 Kyle Farrell Molly Kraus, MD FASA (she/her) Alice Gallo, MD

CA1 Kyle Farrell presenting his research poster at #IARS24 👏 Thanks to Mayo Clinic Department of Anesthesiology mentors Emily Sharpe, MD, FASA Molly Kraus, MD FASA (she/her) Alice Gallo, MD

When I am not on social media posting, I am studying it with amazing friends and colleagues! Thank you Kyle Farrell for presenting our work and thank you Emily Sharpe, MD, FASA dear friend for being a great social media partner! #meded #IARS24

I also love connecting with my Mayo Clinic Department of Anesthesiology and MayoAnesthesiaResMN colleagues at conferences. Even though we work in the same department, we often don’t see each other and so we have to go to Seattle to hang out! Ben Daxon, MD ⚚ Kyle Farrell Anuradha Kanaparthi, MD #IARS24

Great work Kyle Farrell 👏 at #IARS24

Regis Men's Soccer is NCAA Tournament Bound after hearing their name in the selection show bit.ly/2fXNEZT #RangerUp #TourneyTime