Kyle Farrell (@farrell_kyle) 's Twitter Profile
Kyle Farrell


resident @mayoanesres | @RegisUniversity @CreightonSOM alum | opinions are my own

ID: 337893277

calendar_today18-07-2011 19:06:07

224 Tweet


148 Following

ASA® (@asalifeline) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Check out “Acceleromyography vs. Electromyography: Making a Twitch, Checking It Twice,” an infographic published in the October issue of Anesthesiology. #anesthesiology

Check out “Acceleromyography vs. Electromyography: Making a Twitch, Checking It Twice,” an infographic published in the October issue of <a href="/_Anesthesiology/">Anesthesiology</a>.
Kyle Farrell (@farrell_kyle) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A Letter to Medical Students from an Anesthesiologist | Anesthesiology | American Society of Anesthesiologists…

Mayo Fellows' Association, Rochester (@mayofellows) 's Twitter Profile Photo

DAY 2️⃣ OF OUR SUMMER KICK-OFF EVENT! 🎊 The MFA hosts great events for residents and fellows across Mayo's three campuses! Membership only costs about $5 per month. Check out more here:…

Journal of Clinical Anesthesia (@journalofclinan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🔓A meta-analysis of RCTs comparing the risk of brain swelling during craniotomy between propofol-based and volatile-based anesthesia. With propofol: ⬇️ brain swelling ⬇️ ICP ⬇️ PONV ⬇️ intraoperative tachycardia 🔗…

🔓A meta-analysis of RCTs comparing the risk of brain swelling during craniotomy between propofol-based and volatile-based anesthesia. 

With propofol:
⬇️ brain swelling
⬇️ ICP
⬇️ intraoperative tachycardia

Emily Sharpe, MD, FASA (@emilysharpe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dr. Kyle Farrell presenting the results of our study of fellows and what social media platforms and posts they used to research prospective fellowship programs at #IARS24 Kyle Farrell Molly Kraus, MD FASA (she/her) Alice Gallo, MD

Dr. Kyle Farrell presenting the results of our study of fellows and what social media platforms and posts they used to research prospective fellowship programs at #IARS24 

<a href="/Farrell_Kyle/">Kyle Farrell</a> <a href="/MollyKrausMD/">Molly Kraus, MD FASA (she/her)</a> <a href="/GallodeMoraesMD/">Alice Gallo, MD</a>
Alice Gallo, MD (@gallodemoraesmd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When I am not on social media posting, I am studying it with amazing friends and colleagues! Thank you Kyle Farrell for presenting our work and thank you Emily Sharpe, MD, FASA dear friend for being a great social media partner! #meded #IARS24

Lourdes Boys Soccer (@lourdesbsoccer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thanks to our seniors Robert, Johnny, Zach, Craig, Joe, Calvin, Ian. Four state appearances, 3rd place, and a state title. We are very proud

Regis Rangers (@regisrangers) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Men's soccer takes down #1 regionally ranked Mines 2-1 on senior day in front of a great group of…

Lourdes Boys Soccer (@lourdesbsoccer) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congrats to our two newest Ring of Honor members Tim Macken and Mark Lembach! We'll honor them at halftime of Duluth Marshall on 8/26