faraz πŸ€ (@farazamiruddin) 's Twitter Profile
faraz πŸ€


building stuff @netflix | investor @retrodotapp, @langbaseinc, @flightcontrolhq, @joinatmos, @growwithtaja, @kayyoxyz

tweets about tech, urbanism, and hoops

ID: 3160121316

calendar_today16-04-2015 20:48:14

7,7K Tweet


1,1K Following

faraz πŸ€ (@farazamiruddin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You gotta have thick skin to succeed I’m a first generation born to desi parents, there’s nothing you can say that will phase me I’ve heard it all before

faraz πŸ€ (@farazamiruddin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you want to be successful, follow through on what you say you are going to do. Even small things. Most people don’t do this.

faraz πŸ€ (@farazamiruddin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Your engineering skills don’t matter that much. At a certain level, everyone knows how to code. Your ability to share your wins and lift others up will take you further.

faraz πŸ€ (@farazamiruddin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In 2017, my best friend was killed by a drunk driver. He was only 24 years old, had his whole life ahead of him. After that I spent a lot of time reading about safe streets and how urban planning plays in role in our lives. This is why I passionate about this topic. I don't

faraz πŸ€ (@farazamiruddin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Grateful for everything; - Loving family and friends - A chill job with flexible work arrangement - Healthy body that allows me to keep moving - Curiosity that fuels me to try new things Most importantly I'm in a position to help others More life

faraz πŸ€ (@farazamiruddin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My hot take is people don’t mind offices, they hate commuting though If everyone was able to live a comfortable life within a 15min walk/train/drive to their office they would probably go in more But this is reserved for the upper management and leadership that can afford to

faraz πŸ€ (@farazamiruddin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

American cities make it difficult for families to stay. Need more: - Family size housing - Good public schools - Green space - Safe streets for pedestrians It’s why the places that do offer these are the most desirable and expensive to live (Brooklyn Heights, Park Slope, etc).

faraz πŸ€ (@farazamiruddin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Surround yourself with people that push you outside of your own limits and challenge your beliefs growth and success is on the other side