Farah Husain MD, FACS, FASMBS
Division Chief of Bariatric Surgery, US Army Veteran, mama and wife.
ID: 972204967074217984
09-03-2018 20:18:21
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Dr. Spencer Nadolsky One of the more fascinating aspects of this is the idea that people love to claim that doctors make money from prescribing meds (we don’t) but have no problem with direct to consumer companies whose business models are literally based off of selling meds. Not attacking DTCs, just

Settling in after #ASMBS2024 and can reflect on a great meeting, busy board of directors, beautiful sites, and wonderful friends! ASMBS Treo Foundation Nina Crowley PhD RDN Monique Hassan, MD, MBA, FACS, FASMBS, DABOM Pearl Ma MD helmuth billy Shanu Kothari Diane Enos Marina Kurian, MD Can’t wait for 2025!

Major Heart Events Down With Metabolic Surgery for Apnea Patients With Obesity medpagetoday.com/pulmonology/sl… ASMBS Reena Mehra MD MS JACC Journals American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Published today in The Lancet Management of #obesity follows the same principles as management of other CHRONIC conditions. doi.org/10.1016/S0140-…

Fascinating Grand Rounds by Dr Bernadette White, our admin chief resident on the effect of noise in heart disease, metabolism etc. really reinforced social determinants of health. Noise is bad!! UofAZ Surgery Residents UAZ Medicine - Phoenix Banner Health Christine Lovato MD Nat Soper Great talk!