Falkland Estate is a beautiful place to visit and enjoy. Lots of walks and working farms. Stables Garden Cafe open daily offering refreshments.
ID: 294261151
http://www.falklandestate.co.uk 06-05-2011 20:31:37
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Check out "Spoon Carving Workshop - From Tree to Table. Skills that last a lifetime" eventbrite.co.uk/e/spoon-carvin… Eventbrite UK

Creative Trail: Fife Contemporary @ Falkland Estate fcac.co.uk/opportunity/cr… via Fife Contemporary

“This is so cool! I love Falkland (x100)” 🥳 The team are so delighted to be back in-person with children Stewardship with our great friend and trustee Ninian Stuart #FalklandImagineers #MakeRightsReal 🌟

A lovely short film about our dig with the Falkland Trust on East Lomond hillfort youtube.com/watch?v=WFF_eM… Stewardship Archaeology at UoA Historic Environment Scotland

Chuffed to be speaking Stewardship Harvest Festival this Saturday 24th Sept. Great line-up of thoughtful/practical people showing/discussing how to live more closely with nature. Book now - limited places. Woodland Trust🌳 Ninian Stuart falklandestate.co.uk/event/harvest-…

Falkland Harvest Fest: How can we create flourishing places that nourish people?… thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/fife/3… via The Courier

.Stewardship - Immerse the whole family in all things Hallowe’en on Saturday 29th October and enjoy magic shows, glitter tattoos, fun games, decorations and Hallowe’en-themed food and drinks! bit.ly/3Cok6wa

Add a touch of magic to your day out on Stewardship with a visit to Santa’s Workshop at The Stables! bit.ly/3yRBxEn