Coach Fain (@faincoach) 's Twitter Profile
Coach Fain


ID: 1113417431312150528

calendar_today03-04-2019 12:26:16

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66 Following

Brandon Kornblue (@kornbluekicking) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🤔 “...when you’re looking at NFL coaching staffs & how big they’ve gotten & how much money they’re spending & the fact that the games have such slim margin of victories, to not bring somebody in who can legitimately help you & help your specialists is, I think, shortsighted.”

Jackson Fain (@jacksonfain3) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you to Holy Trinity, Hurlie Brown, coaches, and my teammates. Was a memorable season. Voted Special Teams MVP. Shoutout to my line, longer snapper, and holder. Cannot do it without you guys. This belongs to us all. Great work fellas.

Thank you to Holy Trinity, <a href="/HurlieB/">Hurlie Brown</a>, coaches, and my teammates. Was a memorable season. Voted Special Teams MVP. Shoutout to my line, longer snapper, and holder. Cannot do it without you guys. This belongs to us all. Great work fellas.
Jackson Fain (@jacksonfain3) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It was a wet and cold but great game. Thank you BSNSportsBrevardAllStarGame BrevardSportsNetwork Alan Zlotorzynski and Coach Broomfield for bringing this back to Brevard. Was great seeing guys I grew up playing youth ball at West Melbourne and Melbourne with. Our original “Sr Team” was well represented.

It was a wet and cold but great game. Thank you <a href="/321BSNAllStar/">BSNSportsBrevardAllStarGame</a> <a href="/SportsBrevard/">BrevardSportsNetwork</a> <a href="/zlotsports/">Alan Zlotorzynski</a> and Coach Broomfield for bringing this back to Brevard. Was great seeing guys I grew up playing youth ball at West Melbourne and Melbourne with. Our original “Sr Team” was well represented.