Fady Magdy Fouad
Heart Failure and cross sectional imaging cardiologist. Keen walker. Loves cooking and baking. Chess beginner. All views my own
ID: 759687070654816256
31-07-2016 09:48:07
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Fady Magdy Fouad Ian Mcleod marta sitges Donal Victoria Delgado Denisa Muraru Edoardo Zancanaro MD Laura Sanchis Augustin Coisne Luigi PCRonline 🫀 Yes here you can download it ➡️ pcronline.com/content/downlo… #PCRtricuspid PCRonline 🫀
New joint statement today from British Cardiovascular Society BJCA 📊 BACPR BCOS BHRS BHVS BJCA 📊 BSCI BSCCT BSCMR BSEcho British Society for Heart Failure #theFword Cardiovascular Care Partnership (UK) Primary Care Cardiovascular Society UK Maternal Cardiology Society suggests reducing GIM in cardiology training curriculum: tinyurl.com/5yxhvscc
PAs will be banned from treating patients on their own under new guidance by the Royal College of Physicians from The Telegraph ➡️ telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/12/1… When these posts cost more to hire than a junior doctor- I can see no value in them given the restrictions now they are placed
neil orpen The Telegraph It would be a brave consultant to go against BMA and Royal College guidance and provide supervision for those choosing to work outside of these guidelines particularly if a patient negligence claim / death ends up in court. If you're willing to risk your registration - that's on
2/2 The #taper is a stupid tax where £1 of (non pensionable) extra earnings can trigger a HUGE tax charge leading to marginal tax rates than can exceed 1 million percent. This needs action if we are to fix waiting lists which everyone desperately wants to do Wes Streeting
A wonderfully uplifting story about groundbreaking surgery at Royal Papworth Hospital NHS FT 💙, where surgeons transplanted a pair of lungs revived outside the body in a hi-tech box. Medical science doing its magnificent, awe-inspiring, life-enhancing thing 💙🫁 theguardian.com/society/2024/d…
Podcast : James Rudd is joined by Professor Adrian Brady from Glasgow. They discuss the latest NICE guidelines for hypertension, and how they compare to the American and European versions. bit.ly/47pi1xe PDF - bit.ly/3NOprDq
Dr Tony Goldstone BMA Pensions Committee NHS Pensions Michael Brodie CBE ThePensionsRegulator 👏👏 at a time when the NHS needs senior doctors to be delivering much needed service for patients, we are instead plucking figures out of the air due to the complete failure of NHS Pensions. Still no RPSS, no 23/24 PSS and no TRS, 3 weeks before the self-assessment deadline.
1/2 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The media would have you believe NHS staff have had "bumper pay rises" and all is well, but the data released this week show another story👇. Real terms pay in the NHS remains⏬whereas its🔼for others. Everyone will be 👀 Pay Review Bodies very closely
The fact that Wes Streeting thought a 2.8% pay rise would be acceptable to doctors is an insult. We will not tolerate further pay cuts. Anything less than full pay restoration will lead to full on strikes. A doctor is worth more than £17 pounds an hour.