F3 Organ Grinder
Every Wednesday F3 Gear / Kettlebell @ Taft Broome Park 115 7th Ave SW, Hickory, NC 28602
ID: 1064868762153816064
http://f3hickory.com/ 20-11-2018 13:11:11
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Come on out to #TheCountryClub where F3 Flex Seal will help you get a jump on your #HumpDay. May be a lil #Chilly - But you'll warm up fast! #GetBetter 0500 prerun 0530 #Beatdown F3 Hickory @F3GraniteFalls @F3_Ruck’n’Roll F3 The Mount (World Ghost Flag champs)

Anyone up for Sprints? This may or may not happen this wednesday @ 0530 when Jackson Schonewolf (F3 Swanson) Q's at #TheCountryClub - 0500 Prerun - Be There! F3 Hickory @F3GraniteFalls @F3_Ruck’n’Roll F3 The Mount (World Ghost Flag champs)

Will Jeffery Alexander bring the #DoubleTap ATT to the warmup? Post Wed sigri dorholt @ #TheCountryClub to find out! 0500 Prerun F3 Hickory F3 The Mount (World Ghost Flag champs) @F3_Ruck’n’Roll @F3GraniteFalls

OG has a new brain in tweet seat! On Q for this week is F3Plank🪵... How bad can a plank hurt? F3 Hickory @F3GraniteFalls F3 Lenoir F3 Taylorsville

The Mortimer 100 Relay was a huge success. Over $8k raised for local charities! Thanks for all of the HIMs that ran and all of the volunteers that helped along the way. Looking forward to next year!

So this Wednesday OG is back. But we are meeting at the bottom of Jaycee park. @JD_F3Goodwill is on Q! We will have kettle bells but no sharing. Swaney will have Lysol wipes to wipe bells. And bring gloves! See y'all in the Gloom F3 Hickory @F3GraniteFalls F3 Lenoir

To all HIMs of F3 Hickory OG is temporarily moving AO to Ridgeview for tomorrow. @otherhootie is on Q. Let's show that we stand together and have each other's back. 530 in the gloom

To all PAX that don't think you can run. We are doing slow jam tomorrow at OG. Ashley got it mapped out. 3 miler be there 530 F3 Hickory F3 NC Foothills @F3GraniteFalls F3 Lenoir F3 Taylorsville