F3 Lexington P200
F3 Lexington #P200 - organizational Twitter handle for F3 Lexington and the 2018 Palmetto 200.
ID: 907667781348360193
12-09-2017 18:10:37
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Please take a minute and say a prayer for our brother John Burbage (F3 Dear Diary) this am and throughout today. Let him know you are thinking about him and praying for him today. F3 F3Prayers F3 Lake Murray F3 Columbia

The men of F3 Shawshank are looking for two more runners for their #P200 team - contact Chris Claypool or @MikeLego98 if you are interested!

51 PAX post at the Lexington County Library/Agape to honor our brother John Burbage (F3 Dear Diary) for some of his favorite exercises: tunnel of love, circle burps, calf raises, and buddy bus loops. Great work men. #f3counts #WearBlueforDD F3 Lexington SC

If anyone knows of disabled or elderly folks who needs food, medicine, etc., let me know. I’ll get some of the F3 Lake Murray guys and we’ll get it taken care of.

Day 5 ✅ Virtual F3Gauntlet and Leg #1 Virtual F3 Lexington P200 ✅ #throatpunchthequarantine F3 Lexington SC

Day 6 ✅ Virtual F3Gauntlet and Leg #2 Virtual F3 Lexington P200 ✅ #throatpunchthequarantine F3 Lexington SC

Virtual P200 is DONE! Thank you to my F3Detention Detainees for not letting me give up! 19.64 miles total with an average pace of 9:06! Goal number one is done, on to the half marathon!

Due to Achilles tendinitis, I haven’t ran in a month. I haven’t ran a 10k since Cooper River 2003. Today I finished Virtual #P200 with 16miles total. It wasn’t the fastest, but i feel good and injury free. Tks Men of F3Detention-my biggest motivators. #ISI #morethanaworkout

Here’s a challenge to anyone who just finished the Virtual F3 Lexington P200! Consider donating $1 per mile you ran to Mission Lexington. If you feel led to donate, tag #2020VirtualP200 in the comments of the link: missionlexingtonsc.org/donate FiA Lexington F3 Lexington SC F3 Lake Murray

Kevin Duggins F3 Lexington P200 This year will be a bit more difficult for vans as years in the past. Due to the pandemic, the car rental industry is back 40% in fleet. In addition social distancing is making 15 passenger vans very popular. I would highly recommend getting your reservations in now.

Kevin Duggins F3 Lexington P200 (2 of 2) use the link or call your local Enterprise. Reference account L264045. #thecarrentalguy

A lot happens #ITG before most people even wake up- you don’t have to be the fastest or strongest - fighting through the mental or physical barriers in your life doesn’t have to be on your own. Thankful for the brothers who push me. #HitTheMark🎯 6days of F3Gauntlet ✅ F3 Lexington SC

#HitTheMark 🎯 👏👏👏 to all the pax who posted. 👏👏👏 to @natecnorman for his #Impact on F3 Lexington SC with the energy he brings to this great event. #HIM