Evan Rice
|[email protected]|214-551-5935|dulins dodgers 2025 .top 86
ID: 1457398347992608770
07-11-2021 17:23:46
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stats vs panther creek 3 innings pitched 2 hits allowed 0 walks 3 looking strikeouts 0 earned runs 67%strike percentage in 42 pitches Cal Hernandez David Brown Cam Vega Bobcat Baseball

stats vs loaded number two ranked 5a team lovejoy: 3.1 innings pitched 2 hits allowed 0 earned runs 3 walks 4 strikeouts Bobcat Baseball David Brown Cam Vega

came in and closed out first game of the second round of playoffs 2-1 game. 1.1 innings pitched 3 strikeouts 0 walks 0 earned runs 1 hit allowed sat 82-83 78% strike rate Bobcat Baseball David Brown Cam Vega Cal Hernandez

final stats of 2024 season as a closer: 31.0 innings pitched 3 wins 4 saves 23 hits allowed 6 earned runs 16 walks 31 strikeouts 1.35 era 42 left on base .202 batting average David Brown Cam Vega Paul Phillips Bobcat Baseball

came in and closed and got the win vs ntl boddie 3 ip 3 hits allowed 2 er 0 walks 5 strikeouts 82-83 72% strike rate Bobcat Baseball David Brown Cam Vega

couple strikeouts from today in georgia 81-84 new pr top of 86 twice Bobcat Baseball David Brown Cam Vega

finished 57th in era this year in 4a facing top talent in texas Alan Hall Jonathan Monk Cam Vega Bobcat Baseball

got the start vs texas twelve red sox :6 innings pitched,5 hits allowed,2 er,0 walks,2 ks.70% strikes in 74 pitches Bobcat Baseball Mike Parr JDeSoto2🇬🇺

good start vs asba futures in lakepoint 76% strike rate Bobcat Baseball JDeSoto2🇬🇺 Mike Parr

F: Dulins Dodgers (TX) 2025 4, Dallas Tigers 2025 Cecil 2 PoG: Evan Rice 5.2 IP, 5K, 3H, 0R Notable: luke douglas 3-3, RBI

final summer pitching stats: -43 innings pitched -35 hits allowed -46 strikeouts -8 walks -14 earned runs -6-1 record -70.56% strike rate overall top velo -86 #uncommited Bobcat Baseball