Eva Nossem (@evanossem) 's Twitter Profile
Eva Nossem


antiracist-queertransfeminist translator~lexicographer~fairtrader #CulturalBorderStudies #bordertextures #borderlanguaging @UniGR_CBS @Lingotransfair | she, her

ID: 930575503

linkhttp://nossem.de calendar_today06-11-2012 21:28:43

696 Tweet


543 Following

NamLitCult (@namlitcult) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The new volume “Queer, Migration and Belonging” will be presented on Tuesday, October 31 at 7 p.m. in the FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar. The event will be held in German and English. #frauengenderbibliothek_saar #migration #wissenschaftlichebeiträge #saarland #saarbrücken

The new volume “Queer, Migration and Belonging” will be presented on Tuesday, October 31 at 7 p.m. in the FrauenGenderBibliothek Saar. 

The event will be held in German and English.

#frauengenderbibliothek_saar #migration #wissenschaftlichebeiträge #saarland #saarbrücken
NamLitCult (@namlitcult) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Introduction to Canadian Studies lecture series will start tomorrow! The first lecture will be given by Paul Morris on the topic “Diversity - The Different Cultures of Canada: An Overview”. Join us at 16:15 at Musiksaal C5 1📌 #UdS #AmericanStudies #CanadianStudies

The Introduction to Canadian Studies lecture series will start tomorrow! The first lecture will be given by Paul Morris on the topic “Diversity - The Different Cultures of Canada: An Overview”. 

Join us at 16:15 at Musiksaal C5 1đź“Ś

#UdS #AmericanStudies #CanadianStudies
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Bienvenue à @Univ_Lorraine pour le 10e Séminaire Border Studies de l'#UniGR_CBS ! Au centre des échanges de la 1ère journée est l'analyse des crises migratoires et leurs impacts dans le contexte franco-allemand 🇩🇪🇫🇷 Vers le programme shorturl.at/qxHT3 #CulturalBorderStudies

Bienvenue à @Univ_Lorraine pour le 10e Séminaire Border Studies de l'#UniGR_CBS ! Au centre des échanges de la 1ère journée est l'analyse des crises migratoires et leurs impacts dans le contexte franco-allemand 🇩🇪🇫🇷
Vers le programme shorturl.at/qxHT3 #CulturalBorderStudies
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Penser les frontières pour demain – Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary Laboratoire Pacte discute dans sa présentation d’ouverture des perspectives critiques pour un monde en crises et mode d’urgences #BorderStudies

Penser les frontières pour demain – Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary <a href="/PACTE_grenoble/">Laboratoire Pacte</a> discute dans sa présentation d’ouverture des perspectives critiques pour un monde en crises et mode d’urgences #BorderStudies
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

„Terézia Moras Erzählungen inszenieren reale geografische und imaginäre Grenzen, zeigen Grenzbereiche menschlichen Verhaltens auf und stellen die Grenzen der Texte infrage.“ – Lena Wetenkamp @UniTrier beim #UniGR_CBS Seminar #BorderStudies

„Terézia Moras Erzählungen inszenieren reale geografische und imaginäre Grenzen, zeigen Grenzbereiche menschlichen Verhaltens auf und stellen die Grenzen der Texte infrage.“ – <a href="/LenaWetenkamp/">Lena Wetenkamp</a> @UniTrier beim #UniGR_CBS Seminar #BorderStudies
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“Discover insights into the lives of young refugees in Luxembourg. A recent study published in MDPI explores their vulnerability and future dreams, revealing a multi-layered perspective on migration.” – Amalia Gilodi @uni_lu_geo at the #UniGR_CBS Border Studies Seminar

“Discover insights into the lives of young refugees in Luxembourg. A recent study published in MDPI explores their vulnerability and future dreams, revealing a multi-layered perspective on migration.” – <a href="/AmaliaGilodi/">Amalia Gilodi</a>  @uni_lu_geo at the #UniGR_CBS Border Studies Seminar
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today Université Lorraine: Focus on the #UniGR_CBS working groups at the #BorderStudies Seminar day 2: Learn more about the activities & cooperations of the Interdisciplinary UniGR Center of Expertise 👉 Visit the Digital Knowledge & Documentation Center knowledge.borderstudies.org

Today <a href="/Univ_Lorraine/">Université Lorraine</a>: Focus on the #UniGR_CBS working groups at the #BorderStudies Seminar day 2: Learn more about the activities &amp; cooperations of the Interdisciplinary UniGR Center of Expertise
👉 Visit the Digital Knowledge &amp; Documentation Center knowledge.borderstudies.org
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Register now: The #UniGR_CBS working group Bordertextures invites you to the next #AtelierBordertextures: The public lecture by Lola Aubry uni.lu - Geography on dynamics of bordertextures from the perspective of welcome cultures takes place on Thursday (16/11) 👉shorturl.at/ltPY9

Register now: The #UniGR_CBS working group Bordertextures invites you to the next #AtelierBordertextures: The public lecture by Lola Aubry <a href="/uni_lu_Geo/">uni.lu - Geography</a> on dynamics of bordertextures from the perspective of welcome cultures takes place on Thursday (16/11) 👉shorturl.at/ltPY9
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Am 20/11 um 20 Uhr im Kino 8 ½ Saarbrücken: Dokumentarkurzfilme in "At home in the Borderlands". Das NamLitCult lädt mit dem #UniGR_CBS und BMBF Verbundprojekt #LinkingBorderlands zum Filmabend mit Kamil Bembnista ein 👉 shorturl.at/nwFG2

Am 20/11 um 20 Uhr im Kino 8 ½ Saarbrücken: Dokumentarkurzfilme in "At home in the Borderlands". Das <a href="/NamLitCult/">NamLitCult</a> lädt mit dem #UniGR_CBS und <a href="/BMBF_Bund/">BMBF</a> Verbundprojekt #LinkingBorderlands zum Filmabend mit Kamil Bembnista ein 👉 shorturl.at/nwFG2
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Last week #UniGR_CBS member Astrid M. Fellner Universität Saarland gave a talk on Border Crisis Art in the online lecture series #BorderRealities: Thank you very much for your insights & reflections on #artivism & solidarity, hope, and reparative practices 👏

Last week #UniGR_CBS member Astrid M. Fellner <a href="/Saar_Uni/">Universität Saarland</a>  gave a talk on Border Crisis Art in the online lecture series #BorderRealities: Thank you very much for your insights &amp; reflections on #artivism &amp; solidarity, hope, and reparative practices 👏
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Doing #BorderStudies through cross-border projects: The #UniGR_CBS member Lola Aubry welcomed this week border scholars from the #GreaterRegion at the Université du Luxembourg to discuss the next steps of a future project-based research cooperation 👏

Doing #BorderStudies through cross-border projects: The #UniGR_CBS member Lola Aubry welcomed this week border scholars from the #GreaterRegion at the Université du Luxembourg to discuss the next steps of a future project-based research cooperation 👏
Bordertextures (@bordertextures) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Debating #bordertextures & discussing cross-border research cooperation: the Working group bordertextures.org is proud to be part of the @UniGR_CBS video podcast project “UniGR-CBS On Air” 👂 Stay tuned and listen to the podcast soon #CulturalBorderStudies #UniGR_CBS

Debating #bordertextures &amp; discussing cross-border research cooperation: the Working group bordertextures.org is proud to be part of the @UniGR_CBS video podcast project “UniGR-CBS On Air”
đź‘‚ Stay tuned and listen to the podcast soon
#CulturalBorderStudies #UniGR_CBS
UniGR-Center for Border Studies (@unigr_cbs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Das #UniGR_CBS schließt das Jahr mit einem Rückblick auf einige Highlights 2023 und bedankt sich bei allen Mitgliedern, Partnern und Freund:innen für ihr großes Engagement in 2023 und ein weiteres erfolgreiches Jahr der Grenzforschung in der Großregion 🙏 youtube.com/watch?v=Hz5M82…

Eva Nossem (@evanossem) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Opening of the #gks2024 yesterday and 1st day of the conf on #borders,#mobilities, and #migration in @Grainau UniGR-Center for Border Studies #Grainau #CanadianStudies #BorderStudies #MigrationStudies #MobilityStudies

Opening of the #gks2024 yesterday and 1st day of the conf on #borders,#mobilities, and #migration in @Grainau <a href="/unigr_cbs/">UniGR-Center for Border Studies</a> #Grainau #CanadianStudies #BorderStudies #MigrationStudies #MobilityStudies
Christian Wille (@ch_wille) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Research in #MigrationStudies and / or #BorderStudies Full-time PhD position (36 months) at the University of Luxembourg ➡️ Apply now emea3.mrted.ly/3l8v7

Research in #MigrationStudies and / or #BorderStudies

Full-time PhD position (36 months) at the University of Luxembourg

➡️ Apply now emea3.mrted.ly/3l8v7
Massimiliano Demata (@maxdemata) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The new edition of #UNITABorders takes place at Università di Torino in Turin on 15-19 July 2024. It is a programme organised as part of the Univ. Montium alliance. We welcome applications from students through Erasmus funding. #borders en.unito.it/international-…