European Federation of EPR groups (EFEPR)
EFEPR aims at interchanging information among EPR groups in and beyond Europe and organises schools to disseminate skills in EPR to young researchers.
ID: 1170352816097042434
07-09-2019 15:07:23
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🚨9th EPR Summer School organized by the EFEPR, September 3-9, 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland. 🇨🇭UNIGE_en BordignonLab Now open for applications on EFEPR.org, deadline April 1st! RSC_ESR Magnetic Resonance News International EPR Society Groupement AMPERE #NMR #EPR

Another day another special Keynote Speaker to our Workshop! Andrea Capozzi will be joining us to talk all about dDNP ! International EPR Society European Federation of EPR groups (EFEPR) Magnetic Resonance News …nginvestigatorsmagneticresonances.com

Help us identify new voices - particularly early and mid career EPR researchers - for invited talks at the 2023 Rocky Mountains Conference on Magnetic Resonance. Suggestions can be sent to the committee here: forms.gle/RUXk8Yn1mAqhEm… Rocky Mtn Conference Han Lab 🧲 @ Northwestern University Sekhar Ramanathan

Join us for our 9th EPR summer school in Marseille June 11-15 2023. We are still accepting registrations: a-rpe.fr/spip.php?artic… infranalytics European Federation of EPR groups (EFEPR) International EPR Society

How to increase coherence time in molecular spin qubits? Our answer can be found in Chemical Science #MyFirstChemSci With Lucija Marina Kveder Krunoslav Užarević Bahar Karadeniz Ruđer Bošković Institute IFW Dresden Kemijski inštitut Department of Chemistry (Kemijski odsjek PMF-a) Laboratory for magnetic resonances Laboratory for Applied and Sustainable Chemistry European Federation of EPR groups (EFEPR) International EPR Society Quantum Flagship

Do you want to join us for exciting EPR/NMR/ODNP research on liquid-liquid phase separation as part of RESOLV? Please spread the word my friends Centre for Pulse EPR Spectroscopy (PEPR) Bela Bode Nino Wili R. David Britt Benesh Joseph International EPR Society European Federation of EPR groups (EFEPR) Han Lab 🧲 @ Northwestern University BordignonLab

Dean Prof Costanza Bonadonna opens the 9th EFEPR EPR #SummerSchool, welcoming more than 100 international students attending cutting-edge lectures about recent advancements in methodological and practical aspects in EPR. #EPRschoolGeneva BordignonLab UNIGE_en

Great start of the #EPRschoolGeneva 24 teachers, 6 helpers and 112 participants ready to climb the #EPR mountain!! Faculty of Science | UNIGE

The #EPRschoolGeneva European Federation of EPR groups (EFEPR) Faculty of Science | UNIGE has now officially ended. A colorful future awaits the new EPR generations! Thanks to all participants, tutors, teachers and helpers! See you in Manchester in 2025!