Étienne (@etiennefd) 's Twitter Profile


this world is indistinguishable from magic (and so are you) 🏙 🌇 🌃 🌌

working at @elicitorg

ID: 3948675683

linkhttp://etiennefd.substack.com/ calendar_today13-10-2015 18:14:31

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Étienne (@etiennefd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

new post! one of those silly ones that write themselves and end up being surprisingly satisfying substack-proxy.glitch.me/articles/etien…

Étienne (@etiennefd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

funny realization today that I, a 33 year old man, still strategically consume every meal in order to eat the best foods last

Étienne (@etiennefd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

minor pet peeve: when filling those fancy typeform forms where you only see one step at a time, I often want to see all questions before filling anything, so I end up putting nonsense info in the non-optional ones just to go forward (and risk submitting the nonsense info!)

Étienne (@etiennefd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As AI models ingest increasingly large fractions of all human-made data, what remains inaccessible to them is what's in our brains—tacit knowledge, subjective states. Accordingly, we should expect the value of *humans* to increase, even as that of human-made artifacts decreases.

Étienne (@etiennefd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is well said, and I'll add: you can choose to create an abbreviation, but ideally only one, and you have to direct the reader's attention to it at the act of creation. E.g. say "We'll call this ABC for short" instead of just putting ABC between parentheses once

Étienne (@etiennefd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

it struck me yesterday that procrastination is merely a method of transfering tasks from a low-motivation version of yourself to a high-motivated one

Étienne (@etiennefd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I suspect there's selection bias at play whenever this sort of post comes up. Someone should make an unbiased sample of companies to see if this is just cherry-picking the ones that happen to have updated their logos around the same time (thus using the same aesthetic standards)

Étienne (@etiennefd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A friend described this post as unexpectedly going from center-left interventionism to libertarianism to full-on reactionary monarchism, so don't miss out! It's about... hydroelectric power and the sacred substack-proxy.glitch.me/articles/etien…