ESPCI Alumni
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ID: 497053856 19-02-2012 15:28:02
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4,4K Following… Monica Olvera de la Cruz
Happy to welcome Antoine Vian to our Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal seminars, talking on the use of double emulsions to probe pressures in cells
Le Figaro Santé - article sur Les promesses thérapeutiques des ultrasons, notamment la thérapie des valves cardiaques @CardiaWave et la neuromodulation ultrasonore cérébrale développée Physics for Medicine Paris @inserm @cnrs ESPCI Paris - PSL Université PSL…
A new iteration in our HFIP chemistry just accepted Angewandte Chemie ! This time digging into a rare direct catalytic deoxyamination of primary aliphatic alcohols via phenonium ions. Many congrats to Max and Robert Mayer for their outstanding work!…
Massive congratulations to Basile Weyl for his tremendous work, as well as to Gabriel Goujon, Lucas Raggio and all collaborators from ESPCI Paris - PSL and Sorbonne-University . I couldn’t be more proud !
🥳Super pumped to share our latest collaboration with Emilie Mace and Stuart Trenholm. We show how visual objects specifically recruit neurons in the spatial navigation system, especially in the head-direction network, suggesting a specific circuit to detect landmarks 1/
Demain jeudi 24 octobre, à 16h, je serai en compagnie de Franck Selsis, astrophysicien specialiste des exoplanètes, pour une petite virée sur France Culture dans l’émission la Science CQFD. Au menu : chimie, aliens, vie extraterrestre, SF….pour fêter la sortie de mon livre.