ESHPM ErasmusUniRdam
Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM), Erasmus University Rotterdam, education and research in the field of policy and management in healthcare
ID: 218792419 23-11-2010 08:40:55
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,,De beroepsgroep en werkgeversorganisaties moeten hun verantwoordelijkheid nemen: elkaar controleren en feedback geven stimuleren. Daar ligt een grote kans om patiënten te beschermen tegen ondeskundig en onveilig gedrag", zegt Weenink… Erasmus University
Martin Felder ESHPM ErasmusUniRdam on political economy at the bedside. Health Services Management Centre (HSMC) @BritishAcademy
Job Alert: Postdoc Erasmus MC modeling targeted and population-wide prevention strategies using mircosimulation and big data. With Frank van Lenthe, Joost Oude Groeniger and me. Smarter Choices for Better Health ESHPM ErasmusUniRdam…
On my way to the EuHEA conference I’m catching up with the EcoEchoes #podcast by #PhD students of the #healtheconomics department of ESHPM ErasmusUniRdam providing stories behind papers, careers, events and academic life. I’m a fan! 🎙️🎛️🎧 Erasmus Centre for Health Economics Rotterdam Smarter Choices for Better Health…
We are proud to announce that the EuHEA Conference 2026 will be organized by Erasmus Centre for Health Economics Rotterdam (EsCHER)! We are already looking forward to welcoming you to our campus and Rotterdam.… EuHEA ErasmusESE Erasmus Centre for Health Economics Rotterdam Job van Exel
Our paper on excess mortality in Dutch nursing homes during the Covid pandemic. We find substantial differences across providers and relatively little correlation with indicators of pre-pandemic quality. Marlies Bär, Pieter Bakx. ESHPM ErasmusUniRdam Erasmus Centre for Health Economics Rotterdam…
Vanaf 15 oktober 2024 zal prof. dr. Maartje Schermer de KNMG leerstoel ‘Gezondheidsethiek in een technologische samenleving’ bekleden. Deze wordt gevestigd bij ESHPM, i.s.m. Erasmus MC en Erasmus School of Philosophy (ESPhil).… Erasmus MC Artsenfederatie KNMG
De financiering van passende zorg is vaak een obstakel. In NTVG gaan Daniëlle Cattel en Celine Hendriks in op hun onderzoek naar alternatieve bekostigingsmodellen.… Erasmus University Erasmus Centre for Health Economics Rotterdam
Really happy that NWO Nieuws funded the project “Going beyond the current QALY model: improving and enriching the methodology of health and subjective well-being valuations”, of Arthur Attema (who deserves all credit!) and me. Read more here:… ESHPM ErasmusUniRdam
First time recording a podcast, what a cool experience ! ESHPM ErasmusUniRdam Erasmus Centre for Health Economics Rotterdam Might have spoken too much and too long, let’s see what you think when out. Meanwhile check the existing episodes of EcoEchoes:… Thanks for having me Maria and Prithviraj!
#SDG 3 of the World Health Organization (WHO) requires developing countries to strengthen their #healthcare #workforce to attain universal health coverage #UHC. On 29 August Hujie Wang will defend his PhD thesis entitled "Team functioning in rural Chinese hospitals".… ESHPM ErasmusUniRdam
Luister vanavond ook naar Radio Kunststof (NPO Radio 1) om 19.00 uur, waarbij prof.dr. Tineke Abma te gast zal zijn!
Duurzame zorg is niet meer weg te denken in ziekenhuizen. Zeven spelers met een hart voor duurzame zorg bogen zich hierover bij de Zorgvisie/Philips Nederland-rondetafel. Onder hen Erik M. van Raaij, hoogleraar duurzame inkoop in de zorg aan Erasmus University.…
Want to know more about EsCHER? Have a look at this introductionary video on the Erasmus Centre for Health Economics Rotterdam ESHPM ErasmusUniRdam ErasmusESE Erasmus University Eddy Van Doorslaer Stefan Lipman…