Evan Robb
Educator, TEDx Speaker, Corwin Author of Aiming High and The 10-Minute Principal, “Sous les pavés, la plage ” -Audere est Facere-
ID: 3843360443
https://robbcommunications.com/ 02-10-2015 13:42:01
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So excited to share the book reveal for my latest book Making An Impact Outside the Classroom. bit.ly/4eItTQ9 Routledge Books
I plan to post this until every school in America stops taking recess away from any young person. Todd Nesloney #JoyfulLeaders
Dana G, EdD Vicki Phillips C. Ravesi-Weinstein Mark Alsip Dr. RACHELLE DENÉ POTH |ThriveinEDU #AI #AIinEDU Danny Bauer Beth Wartzenluft Tim Stephenson Dr. Dan Kreiness | Leader of Learning Podcast Christopher Jones Dr. Tyson Gardin Ed.D Jessica Holloway Nick Holtvluwer Becky Schnekser Evan Robb Evan Whitehead, M.Ed. Transformational Leader ☮️🙏 Coach Adam Valentina White-Rideaux, Ed.S Thanks for the tag Dana G, EdD on this episode and for also having had me as a guest on your show. It’s a great honor to be in the collaborative thought space with you all!
I'm so excited to celebrate 300 Episodes w/ a brilliant author, speaker, & friend of the #AspireLead podcast, Rick Wormeli 🎉 Join us as we discuss the role of AI, navigating tough topics, & working through civil discourse! 🎙️: bit.ly/3X0UgKg 🖥️: joshstamper.com/aspire-episode…
Principal Packard and Vocational Director Tripp deliver a welcome message to staff and students… #BPFamily Kyle Brenner Evan Robb Josh Tovar Sheka Houston (Create and Educate) Kids Deserve It Darrin M Peppard Ed.D. #RoadToAwesome #StriveForExcellence TJ Carron
(NEW) Join Eric Sheninger & @nickiatquestas on #AspireLead as we explore how personalized learning is set to revolutionize education & how educators can implement high-agency strategies to meet each student’s unique needs! 🎙️: bit.ly/3AEp8Ye 🖥️: joshstamper.com/aspire-episode…