Erin C Dunn, ScD, MPH
Professor of Sociology & The Science Tooth Fairy at @LifeAtPurdue. Using social behavior & (epi)genetics to understand & predict depression.
ID: 1651573602
http://www.thedunnlab.com 07-08-2013 00:27:09
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Genetics are an important risk factor for depression. For an overview of what we know about depression genetics, here are two recent review papers we recommend! pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33682643/ nature.com/articles/s4138… Till Andlauer Eva Schulte karmel choi Jonathan Flint

Rappaport Research Fellow Dr. Erin Dunn Dr Erin Dunn heads up Center for Sociogenomics at Purdue University: cla.purdue.edu/news/college/2… @lifeatPurdue

Apply for our fully-funded writing workshop for researchers & scholars writing popular pieces: Oct 18-19 Northeastern U. $2k honorarium Led by experienced NYT editor Sessions w/Profs Lisa Feldman Barrett & @DavidDeSteno Years of ongoing support Apply by 7/30 beyondtheivorytower.com

Adolescents who spend >3 hours/day on social media face 2x the risk of anxiety and depression symptoms, and the average daily use in this age group is 4.8 hours. As GMA3: What You Need To Know highlighted, I'm calling on legislators to act with urgency to make social media safer for our kids.

Introducing another one of our amazing committee members: Anna Großbach (Anna Grossbach)! ☀️ Anna has a masters in Anthropology and is now working on epigenetic changes throughout early development with Andrew Simpkin and Dr Erin Dunn 👶 #VIBE2024 #ICBG2024

Received perfect score on a center grant. Looks like we will be hiring postdocs for big collaboration UC San Diego Health on organoid models of schizophrenia and autism genes, CRISPR a/i screens and integrative data analysis of genes and neuroimaging, EEG and neural phenotypes! Pls RT

We hope everyone who attended ASA Sociology returned home with the same reinvigorated passion for sociological inquiry as we did! In the spirit of feeling inspired by sociology, we are sharing yet another ✨Reminder to Inquire✨